This Sai leela was sent to me by Sai sister Gayatri long back but got misplaced and did not reach me .Just few days back she asked me whether I got her leela and I searched through my mail and did not find it so she sent it again to share with all .All I can say that Baba only decides when and where what shall happen .Past few days or I should say last month I am continuously receiving Sai leela related with Sai Vrat ,Sai in Dream and Mahima of Sai Satcharitra Parayan as though Baba himself wishes that more and more of his children know about HIm and his love for His children through these leela happening in life of HIS children .Mahima of Sai Satcharitra Parayan multiplies to infinity when we read how Baba rushes and come to bless his children in so many ways be it- Sai Satcharitra Parayan ,Sai vrat,Sai in dream or serving each other (Sai devotees).Please read the following beautiful Sai leela of Sai Gayatari .Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha
Hope you are doing well with Baba's grace. I want to share with you my experience which happened to me in last two weeks. I bow down to Baba to bless me to share this experience with you all and thank you so much for the darshan you gave me in my dreams.
I don’t know which one to write first, so I just write as it comes to my mind.
I was doing Sai Vrat pooja and completed twice with Baba's grace. I will write to you about the experience and blessings which I got through the pooja later.
Actually I prayed to Baba that I will present Him a shawl in orange color and another one in pink color.

Actually I came to US on October 1st week, it was a Sunday and I started doing the pooja on the very next Thursday since it was Baba's Maha Samadhi Day, everything went on well with Baba's grace so when I finished the pooja I couldn’t perform the rituals as stated in the book as I am living abroad, so I called up my mom and asked her to do Annadhaan in some Baba's temple there in Chennai.
This she did and again I started the pooja which I finished 3 weeks back, so again I called up my mom and asked her to do the same at her convenience and also present Baba with a Pink color shawl as she already presented the orange one, so she said she will get a Pink one this time and will present it to Baba along with annadhaan as udyapan and I totally forgot about this.

She said its ok but she was so eager to start the pooja the very next week after hearing my experiences, I said I will give her at any cost next week, her house is like 15-mins walk from mine, but as I was doing my Satcharita Parayan I was so occupied and busy and I was supposed to finish my Parayan by Tuesday (that’s how I prayed) and I thought I can handover the copy to her on Wednesday so that she can start it by Thursday.
Last week I think Monday or Tuesday night I got a dream in which Sai Baba was wearing a Yellow color dress, Baba with Yellow color dress was just fixed in my mind and rest I don’t remember, I was so happy that I had the darshan while doing Satcharita Parayan, and I thought, there will be some message for me that’s why I can clearly remember Baba in Yellow dress and so I started looking for Baba in yellow dress, even I daily see the Live darshan from your site and was waiting to see my Baba in yellow dress, but couldn’t find one except one poster in my work place (this also again a miracle about which I will write later).
So it was almost more than a week and I thought ok I shouldn’t be worried about it so much and Baba will Himself give me a message and I was relaxed and stopped searching for Baba in yellow dress.
Today, as always, I called home at 9.30 a.m. for me and it was 9 p.m. in India and my mom said she went to Mylapore Sai Baba temple to offer annadhaan in my name and she was hesitating about something and I asked her what it was, she said she was searching so much for pink dress and she dint get that, so she got a YELLOW color dress and presented to Baba, I was speechless for a moment and then shouted in joy what Yellow color???

Which reminded me of writing my experience, sorry for that Baba, please accept my apology and always bless all of us.
The second experience is, my friend called up and asked me for pooja book on Tuesday, as I have to finish my parayan that day, I told her that I will come to her house the next day at any cost, she then said she got a dream in which a man was wearing a white dress, the face was not clear and she was running away from him out of fear (this reminded me of a story in Sathcharita wherein Baba will come in Sapatnekar's wife's dream and help her filling the pot, it was something very similar) and He asked her to relax and she suddenly asked me will Your Baba give vibuthi? (Udi), (she dint know much about Baba, just a week back she heard about Baba from me so she was absolutely clueless about what Baba will give).
I said Yes, and then immediately I said I have some Udi with me so I will give you that along with Baba's photo and copy of the book tomorrow, she said its fine, the next day Wednesday in the morning when I opened the window it was full of snow, we thought the winter is over and suddenly that day it started to snow again heavily and the place where I am living is very cold like it went to -40 degree Celsius, so I was kind of hesitant, then I went for work, I was doing a part time, so I came in the afternoon, cooked something for my husband and we both had our lunch, but still it was snowing and I was thinking whether to go or not, and finally I decided I should go as per Baba's wish, so I asked my husband to choose one Baba photo, I bought one small little pack with number of Baba's photos from Shirdi.
So instead of taking the first photo from the pack I just asked my husband to pick one randomly, that is how I always do, thinking Baba should decide in which form He should reach a devotee, so my husband picked one and with some udi and copy of the book I made up my mind to go and I started, it was little tough for me , I have to find the route for her house and I am not so good in remembering the place :-) with Baba's grace I could find her house, while we were talking in her house she told me that when she called me the other day she feels like somebody was telling her to ask me about that vibuti (udi in tamil) and in the dream the man who was wearing the white dress ask her to apply the udi on her, the photo which my husband chose was the one in which Baba was wearing a white dress and sat on the stone.
So both of us were happy about this coincidence, and after spending some 2 hours I left her place, the road was full of ice and i am so scared to walk as I fell down a couple of months ago in traffic but somehow I reached home. That night I had a dream where Baba came and He was playing with me and I was so happy and laughing, till now I never had such dream wherein Baba is playing with me, it was so nice, I was a like a little kid and i was laughing with Baba and He did something and again I laughed, I laughed so loudly that i woke up from my sleep,.
I felt so good and blessed, and I told everyone possible about this dream, and I thought since I did not say any excuse and went to her house and gave her the things Baba must have become happy and came in my dream to play with me, my mom was also happy and said that must be the reason, I was in the excited stat the full day, with all those happiness.
It did not stop here, after two days when I was browsing your blog and few more sites that I came to the site where we can request for free udi, so I called up my friend and told her about the site then I thought ok let me give a try and I just mailed them my address and I forgot completely about that.
Here I have to mention one thing, when I was giving udi for her, I was thinking in my heart I myself have little udi and immediately said to myself let everybody be blessed with Baba's udi, I don’t know in what situation she is, that’s why Baba is insisting me to give her all this, so I just gave her some of the udi,. Monday was Shivrathiri, and she asked me to come to the temple and said her husband will come to pick us up from my home, so we were just waiting, me, my husband and one of his friend.
We were all waiting for him, in the meantime my husband asked me whether I have checked the post, I said no, so he took the key and checked and told I have got something, I was quite surprised because who will mail me as I am new to this place and when I got the post from him, I at once knew it was from Saiseva, I was overjoyed and opened the post, to my great surprise I received a Baba's photo with udi, the Baba photo was exactly what I gave it to her asking my husband to pick it up randomly and I got twice the udi which I gave her, I was speechless, felt so happy that I got it on Shivrathiri, it reminded me of the story from Sai Satcharitra in which Megha wanted to give Baba ganges' bath on Mahashivrathiri, I was overwhelmed and felt blessed, last week alone Baba gave me darshan two times to me, and I don’t have any words to express my feelings. Love you Baba and thanks for everything and always shower your blessings on one and all.
With Baba's grace I will post my other experiences also soon.
Thank you and may Baba bless you always with all good things.
Gayathri© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details

Gayatriji , I read your miracle felt so blessed and happy that sai played with you, and Sai blessed me with coconut on Mahashivaratri day in sai mandir . I felt so happy about your blessings on the same day.
wonderful experience and well narrated..thanks for sharing with us..om sairam..
how we will get udi from siridi please inform about it i want udi prasadam