Many incidents are given in the Sri Sai Satcharitra about skeptics who became ardent devotees of Baba. The Malegaon doctor (Sai Satcharitra Ch.34), Solicitor Jetha Bhai Thakkar (Sai Satcharitra Ch.35) and many others. The story of Bala Saheb Bhate is mind boggling. He was a Mamlatadar at Kopergaon, and a long time friend of Chandorkar. They knew each other since college.
While Chandorkar was well versed in religious scriptures, Bala Saheb was just the opposite. Chadorkar was an ardent devotee of Baba and Bala a skeptic. Whenever they met Bala Saheb rediculed the very idea of a well educated person like Chandorkar going to pay obescience to a human. Often he tried to convince the devotees from not making the pilgrimage to Shirdi. It seemed as if his mission in life was to sabotage the pilgrimage of any devotee going to see Baba.
He was transferred to Sakori in 1894. There he heard a Kirtan about Kabir, and Thamal by Sant Bahu Maharaj. Somehow he was drawn to it and heard it attentively. He then came to Shirdi and took Baba's darshan. The very sight of Baba filled him with peace and bliss. He just sat and stared at Baba, oblivious of his surroundings.
After a while his companions asked him to accompany them back to Sakori. He just said "Wait, wait a little bit". They waited but he continued sitting, and as hours rolled by, they left. So changed was he that he decided to stay at Shirdi and make it his home. The once responsible person seemed to have forgotten all about his job, family and home. He stayed on and served Baba till His Maha Samadhi.
Baba asked him to apply for leave for six months. This application he did write and send, but his mind was made up. Even his superios, co-workers and friends came to advice him, and take him back.
He just said "Once a person finds his goal he should not leave it". His employer knowing that he was a good employee gave him pension of Rs.25/- per month on 'compassionate basis' because his mind was gripped by the Fakir of Shirdi. Balasaheb, however, progressed spiritually under the compassionate Fakir and he stayed on in Shirdi till his death.
Mention is made of him in Sai Satcharitra Ch.2 and 44. After Baba's Mahasamadhi the thirteenth day ceremony was conducted by Balasaheb Bhate- when 'til anjali, tilarpan and pinda pradan' was done . What a way of Baba to pull His Bhakts at His holy feet !!Jai Sai Ram.© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details