This is the last song from Sai bhajan album by Suresh Wadekar ji .It is traditional Aarti as written in CD cover but it is very famous song composed and sung by Das Ganu Maharaj during the time of Baba and is now daily sung in morning Kakad Aarti in Shirdi Sai Samadhi temple.It is very touching and close to heart of each Sai bhakt .Jai Sai Ram .
Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti in Hindi by Suresh Wadekar has been already posted in earlier post and is with very beautiful lyrics and melodious music.Devotees can download the Aarti in Hindi by clicking Here.
Devotees who are new to blog or have not seen or read these post can read , listen ,download, and view Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti from links given below .These are 4 Aarti with complete lyrics,translation in English-Hindi word to word ,has Mp3 download link and videos which devotees can watch and get the feeling of being in Shirdi and attending all the Aarti's.
Starting from Mangal snan video ,Sai Baba Ashtotharam Namavali,11 Assurances in English,Hindi,Marathi ,All 4 Aarti's,Aarti in Hindi for download and Shirdi Sai Baba Chalisa in Hindi .Many Sai Baba Mantra and Dhun have been also posted earlier, which I shall compile and re-post the complete link's for devotees to view and download them.Please click on links given below for above mentioned details.
Shirdi Sai Baba Mangal Snan Video .
Sri Sai Baba Ashtotharam Namavali .
Shirdi Sai Baba 11 Assurances.
Shirdi Sai Baba Morning Aarti.
Shirdi Sai Baba Afternoon Aarti .
Shirdi Sai Baba Evening Aarti .
Shirdi Sai Baba Night Aarti .
Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti in Hindi .
Shirdi Sai Baba Chalisa in Hindi .
साई रहम नज़र करना बच्चो का पालन करना -२
जाना तुमने जगत ये सारा सब ही झूठ जमाना -२
साई रहम नज़र करना.....
मैं अँधा हूँ बंधा आपका मुझसे प्रभु दिखलाना -२
साई रहम नज़र करना बच्चो का पालन करना...
दास गणु कहे अब क्या बोलू थक गई अब मेरी रसना -२
साई रहम नज़र करना बच्चो का करना -२
साई रहम नज़र करना बच्चो का पालन करना .....
Download this Aarti from link below.
Sai Reham Nazar Karna.mp3


OM SAI RAM MANISHA you have very nicely put everything.I am very happy to see all the links to ARTI,BABA'S VIDIO.It increase devotion to many level.SATHGURU SAI NATH KI JAI SAI RAM.