Happy Thursday
Today there are many Baba's leela to be shared with Sai devotees on His special day .I am publishing all the Leela today itself so that all get blessed by Baba .
Jai Sai Ram .
Maha Rajadhi Raja Yogi Maharaj Sadguru SaiBaba is my god in heart and blesses his devotees instantly. Baba is omnipresent , I submit my personal experiance to all sai brothers and sister and children of Sai how saibaba blessed my prayer.
During 2003 august month myself and my wife and two daughters went to Shirdi for the darshan of baba . We used to visit shirdi every two years and some times every year.
On that particular day it was drizzling and we had Baba`s darshan and suddenly there was heavy downpour started while we were going to Dhuni ,despite the heavy rain even though we are fully drenched we proceded to dhuni and was satanding in the que and there was a yogini behind us in the que who was singing keertans of baba very sweetly.
It is my practice to drop sambrani powder (scented powder) packets into the dhuni as my mark of gratitude to baba every time i visit Shirdi. Due to heavy rain i couldnot buy the sambrani packets and felt the same internally about my inability to purchase the packets and submitted my position to Baba.
Chanting the name of baba i was on the last but one step of dhuni entrance ,Suddenly a boy aged 10 years rushed near the que placed four sambrani packets in the hands of the yogini behind me and shouted largely to drop the sambrani powder into dhuni, and the yogini standing behind me passed on the packets to me and i was surprsied and dropped the sambrani into dhuni. My wife and two daughters have also dropped each one packet of powder into the dhuni and while comming out i could see the yogini once and after comming out side i couldnot find the yogini who passed on the packets nor the divine child who brought the packets in heavy down pour condition.
I was totally astonished and expressed my atma namaskrams and surrendered my self expresse my thanks to Baba for fulfilling my heartfelt disire to worship Baba and my grtitude to him. Now iam retired from bank service and by the grace of baba perfomed my two daughters and leading apeaceful divine life by the grace of our Sirdi Baba. My prayer to all sai children is to love baba and surrender to baba and Baba will takes care of us. Jai Jai Sai Maharaj.
At the lotus feet of Baba.
B V Narasimha Rao.
5 feb 2009.
