Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day.
Here is another Baba's blessed leela experienced by Sai devotee Ashalatha . Please read below .Jai Sai Ram .
On Jan 18th 2009, Saturday evening , we went to Sai mandir-Irving, actually we had not planned for that day to take darshan of Sai, but on our way back home both my kids wanted to see Sai, I was happy for that feel of my kids and at the same time I was upset since I did not bring anything to my Sai, I immediately searched and was so happy to see two 1 $ note for dakshina and distributed among my sons to offer to Sai. That night instead of sleeping in the bed room I slept in Baba’s room (we don’t call as pooja room we call as Baba’s room) the next day early morning i.e. 19th Jan 2009 Sunday, I had a blissful dream:
I found myself with my husband in Shirdi (heaven on earth) and we were walking on the cement floors inside the Samadhi mandir complex and just then a tall, fakir in white robe was walking towards us, I immediately told my husband,” Oh he is Sai, “Just then someone was screaming Oh, He is the mad fakir", hearing this my husband said no he cannot be Sai. Sai was just looking at me, he was looking at me alone and continued walking but his face was just fixed on me, instead of turning his face towards his path he was just looking at me. I was not able to accept that he is not Sai.
We continued walking and on our right hand side we saw a big area being covered with glass and behind the glass there was a big pratima of Lord Shiva, there were small trees, waterfall, (Lendi Baug scene was in my mind) a family was performing pooja to Lord Shiva and we were told that only people who perform pooja can enter inside the glass covered area. In my mind I was saying may be Sai will give us one occasion to do pooja there.
We were strolling down and my eyes were wandering to find the Sai, again the same Fakir was walking towards us and now someone said,” Oh he is our Lord Sainath,” I was so happy and told my husband, see I told you he is my Sai, I wanted to jump out of excitement and remembered to offer dakshina to my Sai, I searched in my purse and got two coins, I gave it to my Sai, as dakshina, then I found one more coin, again I gave to Sai, now a thought flashed in my mind, I felt this is the right time to get coins blessed from my Sai, (because that was the time the news started to spread in the air that Sai is there and devotees were rushing from all sides of the road, )again I searched in my purse and got two more coins (all are one rupee coins) I gave to Sai, Sai being Omnipotent, he understood my wish and returned those two coins to me with a very beautiful smile, here I want to highlight something,”I felt the hands of our sai, his fingers were long, so soft, tender, when my Sai’s palm touched my palm, I just got up.
I turned back to see whether the lamp which I lit for Sai (through out day and night as dhuni and Sai takes care of it .) is still glowing as a confirmation of my dream, ya the lamp was very much there, It must be around 3 a.m. in the morning, I checked the time and was so happy to have this dream and feel Baba’s hand that I decided tomorrow I will go to see my Sai in mandir and there Sai will give me some proof again.
Next day, Sunday morning I packed some fruits, a piece of sugarcane (which we bought for sankranthi), and flowers. Told my husband please I want to see my Sai today, (Every Sunday we have scheduled classes for our son in the morning) and so I told him on our way to the classes please hold on for a minute and I will just rush for a minute, to see Sai, Infact, my aim was just to offer all these things to my Sai and find for coins somewhere near Sai, and rush back to the car (since my husband and kids were waiting in the car).
But, Without my own knowledge I started to do circumbulation of Sai thrice and started offering flowers, there was no one in the temple, just then a Sai devotee(-volunteer) who was inside the room, came out ,I handed over the remaining flowers but he said, you offer to your God Sai, Just then near Sai’s Padhukas, I noticed somebody has kept a picture of Lord Dattatreya, just the same as I have in my Sai mandir, (Picture given below)
Just then the volunteer in the temple, walked towards the table , (close to the exit door, ) and he just made a different sound with a coin which was on the table. I was so happy, that I got proof in my Sai mandir.
After this we dropped our kid in the class in the Hindu temple, (Sai is only in the form of painting in meditation hall and not in Pratima )still I wanted to know about another coin, (since Sai gave me two coins,) I was offering my prayers in the temple, and One can’t just imagine when I went to bow before Lord Dattatreya, I found orange color cloth was spread and just one single coin was kept in front of the Lord, there was not even a flower/fruit/or any other coin. I recalled the photo of Lord Dattatreya in Sai mandir. And got my proof and was in tears, for all the blessings that Sai has showered on me.
Now another miracle related to the above incident, my mom called me, on Monday and she was telling me that she had sent a parcel containing a photo of trimurti(LORD DATTATREYA and LORD SAI). She also told me how she got the photo, she had been to Sai mandir in Chennai on Jan 19th Sunday eve, and came to know that bhajans were being conducted and she also took part in the bhajans , at the end ,the devotee who conducted the bhajan had distributed this small poster to all the Sai devotees and my mom sent the same photo to me(Photo given below).
I immediately narrated my dream of Sai blessing with two coins and cross checked the date with her .We live in U.S. and 19th early morning is already 19th eve in Chennai. And see the miracle our Sai had played between me and my mom in spite of us living thousand miles away from each other.
Sai keeps proving his words that he is “LORD DATTATREYA”. One who sees Sai in everything, will experience his miracles in each and every single thing they see and every single minute can be taken as a Sai blessed minute in our life. Our whole life is not enough to show our gratitude to our Sai, let us at least try to add credits to our account by chanting Jai Jai Sairam, Sairam, Sairam…
Sai Ashalatha.
