This is the last experience from the book where experience of Tarkhad family is written by Virendra Tarkhad .There may be few more and I shall add them to this topic as and when I come across.Please read the experience by Virendra Tarkhad.Jai Sai Ram.
Dear devotees,
I am sure that after reading these priceless experiences of my father(Jyotindra), you may be inclined to think that I (Virendra)might have also gathered some experience of my own. Well once I narrated one of these experience to a lady devotee. She told me that I might not have come across that kind of rich library of spiritual experiences like my father, but as I have taken birth through such "Punyatma",! must have inherited an iota of "Punya" from him, and hence must have come across some experience certainly worthy enough of narrating to all Sai devotees of the present era.
This way I can also distribute part of that "Punya" to all of them. This response of that lady devotee gave me a jolt and I decided that, however small & silly it may be from my point of view, I should be disclosing to you all whatever I have encountered so far. In this way I can express my "Sai Preeti" and a token of Saiservice from my side.
My full name is Virendra Jyotindra Tarkhad. There is a small story behind our names. It goes this way. My great grand father had named all his sons in such a way that their first name ends with letter "DRA". The originator to this theory was none other than the Nobel Laureate late Shri Rabindranath Togore.
lt so happened that before proceeding to U.K. he had stayed with my great grandfather in his Choupaty Bungalow. This was with a purpose to acquaint him with English etiquette, as the Tarkhad family was well known for that at that time. Late Rabindranath was very fond of Astrology and he had done deep ,study of the subject.
He prepared the 'Kundali' (Horoscope) of my great grandfather and concluded that the Tarkhad's are originated from Lord Indra and hence they must identify (the men folk) themselves by that name. He impressed upon my great grandfather to therefore name his sons accordingly. My great grandfather must have been convinced and he named his sons as Ramchandra (my grandfather) Dnyanendra etc.
My grandfather entrusted names of his two sons as Satyendra and Jyotindra (my father). Further Jyotindra named his sons as Ravindra (my elder brother) and Virendra (myself). Ravindra had named his son as Devendra and I have named my son as Mahendra.
Offcourse from my childhood I am attending the Aarti of Sai Baba in our house on every Thursday evening and this ritual is continuing till date. Fortunately my wife also happens to be a Sai devotee. She has been visiting Shirdi ever since she was a 5-year-old child. I visited Shirdi for the fist time when I was 18 year old and that too along with my two friends Amar Bhagtani and Shashi Bhatia. After marriage I started staying in my mother-in-laws flat.
My wife had lost her father when she was 5 years old and they were two ladies who needed the presence of a man. As my mother-in-law and my wife both were Sai Devotees there was no interruption in my 'Sai Sanskars' in fact they grew higher and higher.
I started attending the 'Gurupoornima Utsav' at Shirdi along with my mother-in-law and to the best of my knowledge I attended 18 'Gurupoornima Utsavs' consecutively. You all must be aware that Gurupoornima Utsav is of three days duration and one of the items is continuous reading start to finish of 'Sai Satcharitra' 'Akhanda Parayan' as it is called. Sai devotees have to give their names and then through a kid 54 names are randomly picked up who have to read the chapters of 'Sai Satcharitra' in front of Baba's Portrait in Dwarkamai.
On one such Poornima Utsav I also gave my name and number 9 was allocated to me. This meant that I had to read chapter 9, which described love & devotion of Tarkhad family towards Sai. Believe me that it was a great pleasure. After I read the chapter in Dwarkamai I received in return a coconut and a photo of Lord Sai as Prasad. This photo was laminated, framed and placed in our house for regular Pooja.
Till date every morning when I am out of my bed I stand in front of this photo and do "Namaskar"and pray to Lord Sai saying HECHI DANA DEGA DEVA TUZHA VEESERA NA VHAVA"(Oh Lord grant me only this wish that I should never forget you).
Tarkhad Family's experiences posted so far can be read by clicking on the given link below.
1.oh!Lord only you can occupy this seat.
2.Proof of Sai Baba's Mahanirvan in Mumbai.
3.Sai Baba I am coming to you.
4.Sai Prasad from Aba Panshikar.
5.Sai Baba the Saviour of Ganesh Murti.
5.I bring you to Shirdi not for Dying.
6.Meeting with Lord Vithoba of Pandharpur.
7.Sai Baba's Darshan to Grandma.
8.I stand commited to pull my devotees from gravest of danger.
9.I will not part with my Bhau.
10.Last memorable meeting with Baba and His updesh.
11.Experiences with Saint Gadge Maharaj.
12.Meeting with Fakir in train
13.Fakir and one paisa coin.
14.My Samadhi will speak .
15.Why are you so anxious.
16.As men believe in Me,so do I accept them.
17.Goddess Annapurna in Shirdi .
18.Sai Baba-Lord Hanuman-Lord Rama All in One.
19.You shall find me alive in Photograph of his mandir.
20.Preserve this Photo-Sai Baba.
21.Sai Conquers over death.
22.You want proof of my Divinity.
23.Only Baba Knows.
24.Sai Baba and Leela of His Kafani.
25.Encounter with ghost.
26. Acid test by Sai Baba.
27.Hey Bhau!you only eat this now.
29.The Lord comes to MY rescue.
30.Sri Sai Satcharitra And Tarkahd Family.
