Sometime we are all so engrossed in our day to day life that we forget to look into little happenings around us .
And during such time we also miss the message what Baba is trying to give us in subtle ways .
But Sai devotee Rama Rao ji could witness these subtle indication of Baba because of His intense devotion towards Baba and notice those little things which a common man would tend to ignore or surpass with day to day activities. Little to realize that in such small incidents lie the great masters message .Please read below the mail sent by Rama Rao ji related to such a incident. Jai Sai Ram.
Sairam Manishaji,
I am Rama Rao sending this occurrence.
Shall we call certain incidents as coincidences or indications of BABA's play with us?
If one goes by the faith in BABA and closely observe the incidents happened, they imply that BABA is the doer of this.
Read the following and as usual make this known to all.
Last Thursday I started the Parayana of Sri Sai Sathcharitra.
First day I arranged everything for the parayan.I lighted the deepam. Looked around in our small puja room to make sure that I made required things like, deepam, prasadam, Harathi karpuram etc. ready .
In this process I saw one small chandanam powder tin there .I took into my hand, but did not care to apply to the photos (may be felt lazy to do so??) and kept back in its place. Finished parayana for that day.
Next day is the day I wondered.
BABA makes us realize that He is with us and there by strengthens the faith. We feel nice. Only thing is one should contemplate on HIM, and pay attention to the happenings, correlate and understand without brushing off as coincidences.
Second day: I woke up at around 5 am. Went into the kitchen service warandah(small wash area adjoining kitchen overlooking the roads on two sides since ours is a corner flat) I normally do this, if I get up early, before or during preparing coffee to enjoy cool breeze and silent atmosphere.
I looked down (I am in first floor) through the iron grill. There, one white DOG was sitting and looking up at me. I never saw that in our street. Normally, dogs in one area will not allow dogs from other area into their territory. I like giving something to eat for dogs and monkeys. I came into the kitchen and took out three marrie biscuits and went down. I just wanted to put the biscuits before the DOG, since I do not like throwing at it, so I bent down. HE thought that I am lifting stone and went off and it was there some where, may be in between cars. I was searching for it going around.
After two minutes, I turned around, it was there staring at me. Then I throw the biscuits this time, one after the other. It ate while I looked at IT satisfied.
I came up to the kitchen warandah and observed the DOG. It was idling there and trying to go out through the closed Gate .I came inside to take bath.
Like the first day, I did everything in the pooja room before starting .But some how it occurred to me that I should apply CHANDANAM to all the photos and to the vinayaka today. I did it and enjoyed seeing that. It looks good & gives nice feeling.
Read the following. This is what and where I wondered and felt happy & thanked BABA:
Second day parayan starts from eighth chapter.In the ninth chapter,
1)Tarkhad's wife throws chapatti to a hungry DOG.BABA thanked her and told her"" first feed hungry beings before you take food. Keep in mind.""
(BABA made me do that as explained above!!!!!!!!!!! )
2) Doctor Pandit takes chandanam from the pooja plate carried by Dada Bhat and applies to the fore head of BABA.
(BABA made me do that as explained above!!!!!!!!!)
I have not seen the white DOG which I saw in the morning, any where in our street again.
We are all in HIS lap. We should try to merge with HIM
With Warm Regards
Rama Rao
