Happy Thursday,
Here are 2-3 blessed miracle of Shirdi Sai Baba on Sai devotee Rathna .After reading ,one can easily realise that Baba is ocean of never ending love .His love is for everyone and He is for all .Please read the following mail by Sai devotee Rathna .Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha ,
I want to share my miraculous experience with Baba to everyone
I am 32yrs old living in U.S and in 2006 when I visited India my mom talked more about Baba and asked me get her a Baba Idol even at that time I didn't started worshipping Baba. Then I came back to US and at that time I was studying CPA and it was my final part and I scheduled the exam in the testing center on Feb. 28th (no testing window in March). On the day before my exam in the morning it started snowing and they predicted that it’s going to snow all day long and Ice storm through out the night.
Hearing that I was very scared because if its Ice storm the testing center will definitely close and I cannot take the exam on that day and I have to wait for another 1 month and I am at a compulsion to finish my exam on that month itself. I was sitting in my house watching outside snowing very heavily and I didn't know what to do suddenly I thought about Baba.
The minute I thought Baba's face came in my mind and I prayed Baba that the snow should stop and I should finish my exam and pass that exam with his blessings. Then I started studying, within 20-30 minutes believe it or not the snow stopped completely and when i looked outside to my surprise I started seeing my neighbors coming outside to clean the snow. I was so surprised and greatly shocked and at that time itself I am going to pass this exam. I don't know why Baba's thought suddenly came in my mind at that time. I finished my exam and after 2 months I passed that exam with flying colors.
I already have 1 boy, In 2005 I had a miscarriage with another baby when I was about 6 month pregnant due to premature delivery and doctors advised me that I have a great risk of premature birth and if i get pregnant again I might not or might face another pre term delivery and they didn't guarantee me that I will have safer pregnancy if I decided to be pregnant again. I was very depressed and i kept thinking about that baby that I miscarried at 6 month and cried almost everyday. I was very scared to get pregnant again because of my high risk pregnancies. Whenever I look at any pregnant women or see babies I cannot stop thinking about my baby that I lost. In 2007 my sister-in-law got pregnant and i went to her house for some reason and when I was about to leave she simply gave me Baba's picture.
I got that and on the way to my house in my car, I looked at Baba's picture with tears on my face and praying, Baba please make me pregnant again and help me through out my pregnancy and bless with a full term healthy baby. Then within one month after bringing Baba's picture to my house I became pregnant again and this time i was very scared and prayed that I should carry this baby full term and I said to myself I will not let anything to happen to this baby and Baba is here to protect me. I called my Parents from India to help me out as I have to stay under complete bed rest and I asked my mom to buy me Baba statue.
My parents came and she gave me Baba statue and I kept Baba's statue just above my bed so that he is there for me for everything. With Baba's blessings I managed to carry the baby 36 weeks and 37th week is considered full term and to my surprise my water broke exactly at 37th week and as per my prayers I delivered a healthy normal full term baby and through out my delivery I kept Baba's picture in my hand all the time. Now my baby is 1 year old and I am having so much fun with my baby and all my depression went away with Baba's deepest blessings. I am really very much thankful to Baba for giving my life back to me.
In 2008, my oldest boy who is 8 years old is smart but he started getting poor grades in 3rd grade and I was very upset with him so I spent lot of time teaching him but in spite of all that he still got lower grades. I decided to do Baba bhajan and fasting on Thursday for 9 weeks, for the first 3-4 weeks I didn't see any improvement with my son. I was very upset and almost crying then my neighbor called me for some reason and she casually mentioned that she got a tutor for her kid and said that she is teaching very well .
I got that tutor's phone number and called her to ask her to come to my house and teach my son. She said yes and came to my house and started tutoring him and within weeks she said my son is doing very well and she said my son is very brilliant but i said and showed her all the low grades that my son is getting in school. She said she is going to talk to his teacher and find out what is going on. Then gradually with that tutor's help my son started doing very good in school and last month when i went for parent teacher's conference his teacher said that my son is doing good and his confidence level has greatly increased and showed the work that he did before tutoring and work after tutoring and asked me to keep that tutor and said that my son is doing excellent in his school with that tutor's help.
At the end of my 9 weeks bhajan Baba already answered my prayers. When I think that Baba is there for me for everything I get very emotional. I always tell Baba that I, my husband and my sons have surrendered to Baba's feet he should guide and protect us in this very challenging world and show us good paths and lead our way.
