Happy Thursday to all .
I have received this mail from Sai devotee Rasalatha .
Her experience of Sai Pooja clearly gives proof that Baba is bound by love of His children .One simple call to Baba with heart full of love for HIM and He runs to us in all possible ways to keep His words.
Baba said"I always think of him who remembers Me. I require no conveyance, carriage, tanga, nor train nor aeroplane. I run and manifest myself to him who lovingly calls me. "
In Sai Satcharitra chapter 50 detail about Deo's Udyapan Ceremony is given and how Baba came to attend the ceremony.Same way sai sister Rasalath witnessed Baba love in her Puja ceremony .The story of Deo's Udyapan ceremony and sai sister Rasalatha clearly shows that when the devotees surrender themselves completely to their Sadguru, He sees that the religious functions in their houses are duly executed and complied with all the necessary formalities.
Baba knows what’s best for us, still to show HIS Love for us He does such leela that leave us spell bounded only later to realize that Baba is ever vigilant and always ready to be by the side of His Bhakt .Please read the following experience.
Sairam Manisha ji ,
I would like to share about my experiences on Sai's Punyathithi 9th Oct 2008. We had invited 6 families for the puja. Since it was a working day only the ladies were able to come as we have scheduled it in the morning.
Just couple of days before the puja 3 of my friends called and said they will not be able to participate in the puja due to the so called forbidden days.
I was little upset and was telling Baba, “Baba I planned to perform this puja with your permission. Now I don't understand where the mistake is? Whether I had any bad intentions in my mind/ego or what can be the reason?” I told about this to my husband too, he said don't worry you about the counts you just need to do the puja with full devotion and faith. I accepted his statement as I too know that Baba needs our love, faith and devotion.
On the day of the puja I mentally spoke to Baba, “Sai Baba I will not be reducing the quantity and will be cooking prasad for 6 families as per scheduled, you need to come with devotees and participate in the puja and bless us all.”
What a miracle!!! My neighbour who was to come back from vacation on 9th evening came on 8th evening itself.
Not only this,my long time wish was to cook brinjal dish with curd - (as mentioned in Sai Satcharitra). And by grace of Baba I happened to meet on 8th a friend (whom I got to know a couple of months ago.)
I was checking with her about the recipe and she happily said she herself would come and cook on 9th morning. When I told her about the puja,she was so happy to hear, as she had newly arrived in U.S. and felt very happy and blessed to attend puja.Not only this she told me that her sister is also a Sai devotee.
Now the 3 of my friends who could not participate in the puja they sent their husband to collect Prasad and hence it became 8 families for puja.
My husband was not in town on the day of puja and I have two sons 7 and 3 yrs old. I was again praying to Baba heart of heart, "Baba you have to give me a helping hand to perform all my work in time so that we could do the puja properly and without any delay".
My friends- they all came well before time of Puja, and each one did their best. We performed the puja and everything went on well. Including my friend’s kids there were 4 little ones, about 2-3yrs old, they were all so good and watched the puja. Infact there was a 30 days baby too.(This I am mentioning because generally small children need lot of attention but everything went very smoothly . )
One thing very strange was noticed; in the afternoon looking at the prasad my friends were saying why did you cook so much who is going to finish all this? I had full faith on Baba and I said "Sai, will send devotees, its okay even if it is excess". And it happened exactly the way I had felt, Baba took care and I had just one spoon of each dish of prasad saved for my husband who was to land on 10th night and all the dishes got exhausted except sweet.
Here I am giving the picture of Sai puja .
Not only this Baba in His own way blessed one of my friend, she came with her family at 10.30 night to my home to have Baba's darshan and could partake the prasad .
Being at home I could not go to temple and I was thinking I am not able to go to temple; just then my neighbour came to us saying they are going to temple, and I was over joyed to hear this and immediately packed some prasad and sent with her.
While all this happened, I was still not getting any clue of Sai Baba participating in the puja and I did not get sleep until 12 o’clock mid night.
I did not switch off the light and did not put my Sai also to sleep. Whenever I get such doubts I write to Saibaba and so I wrote chits to Saibaba,on the chit had written:” Sai participated in the puja”. Just then I wanted to give pill to my little one when I opened the medicine pouch I found Sai Dwarakamai photo and was so happy seeing, still my heart longed for more and I wanted one more clue.
Then I told myself okay Baba don't know how you came today you are not giving me any clue let me at least put you to sleep. Just then I found a colored printout of Sairam with the heading.
And it was SAIVRATAKALPAM which was brought by my friend and she gave the same to me to make copy if I needed.
As soon as I saw the printout I started shedding tears, I realized what I missed through out the pooja preparation and I was filled with love and tears for My Sai ,I cried out "OH SAI YOU HAD COME IN THE MORNING ITSELF IN THE FORM OF PRINTOUT ,THAT TOO THE SAME VRAT WHICH WE HAD PERFORMED AND IT WAS ME WHO DID NOT REALISED YOUR( SAI’S) ARRIVAL. "
I carried the printout and hugged, wept and felt immense happiness and finally thanking my Sai for HIS Grace I went to sleep.
Great are HIS leela... He alone knows and leave us mesmerised in His Love more and more…
What else we need from SAI than such a blissful day, HAIL TO SAIRAM, SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI. Not only Baba blessed by coming in the puja,the quantity of prasad,the number of devotee attending the puja and the whole puja ceremony was so well taken care by Baba Himself,that what else more can one ask for ? Really touched by the way Baba heard the prayer and blessed us all .Thank you Baba .Koto Koti Pranam at Your lotus feet.
Rasalatha© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details