In Sai Satcharitra Chapter 1,there is discription about the leela of Baba grinding wheat.
Where Baba say's to 4 women "Go at once, to the village boundary and throw all the flour at the side of the brook there".And thus Baba prevents Cholera from invading Shirdi.
Here is a conversation that Baba had with one of the lady devotee who came from Bombay to have Baba's darshan .
Baba,Lakshmibai and Janabai were grinding wheat with the hand mill, when a lady from Bombay entered Dwarkamai. She sat beside them, and asked Baba if she too could grind the wheat. Baba said that she would get tired.
Nonetheless, she was eager to grind as much as was possible. Baba asked Lakshmibai to let her grind the wheat. The lady was full of questions, and was eager to get answers from Baba.
She started asking Baba, why the wheat was ground? Why He threw it at the village boundary?
Baba said, "Akkabai Maaribai, Marriamma (i.e. dieties of cholera and smallpox) want to enter the village so I feed them on the other side of this village and prevent them from entering Shirdi. As they are propitiated, they do not enter Shirdi. Thus, I save My devotees."
Then she asked whether there was 'Jari', 'Mari' (durdevatha=evil forces). Baba said, "Yes, there exists durdevatha, but they will not do any thing to us."
She said that some people are dying because of durdevatha. To this, Baba said, "Durdevatha was scolding Me and insisting that she be allowed to enter this village so I requested the Almighty to give her the allotted person."
"Are there evil spirits, Baba? When I was in Naigaon, in Bombay, an evil spirit would come from the side of the well and go to the room upstairs and disappear."

The Omnipresent, Omniscient, Baba replied, "Yes. But they will not do anything to harm us." Then Baba told her that the spirit she saw, was that of the owner of the house. "He comes and goes upstairs and disappears where you delivered".
The lady was astonished to hear all these facts and asked Baba how He knew them. "I know you from childhood, you have forgotten Me, but I do not forget. I call all My children to Me even if they are thousands of miles away. I look after all equally, be they good or bad."
After a while she felt tired and asked Lakshmibai to resume the grinding. The lady returned to Bombay unafraid and assured of Baba's love and protection for her and her family.
Another similar kind of Leela:
In 1917, during Vaishak month a doctor, his wife and son came to Shirdi. He hoped that Baba would drive away the evil spirit that tormented his son. In the Dwarkamai, the doctor thought that Baba's grinding of wheat and throwing it at the outskirts was futile and just a superstition.
Baba reading his thoughts asked him to come at 3.00 P.M. Exactly at 3.00 P.M. he and his family went to Dwarakamai. The doctor and his son sat and started massaging Baba's legs upon Baba's orders. Just then, an ugly, devilish looking lady came and grabbed his son, wanting to take him away.
Baba, undaunted, gave her a blow with His satka. She fled, crying loudly. Baba then said, "She came to eat your son. She was deprived of her ration. I did not throw the flour at the outskirts today, as you thought it was unwanted. But I drove her away with My satka. Now she will not torment your son".
The father and the son were filled with awe at Baba's Antarjnan and kindness. Then Baba gave them permission to go on the next day.
In my previous post related to Tarkhad and few more sai incidents such conversation and dicussion have been posted long back .Devotee who wish to read them can read by clicking on the below given few links .
"I will not part with my Bhau ",
"Encounter with Ghost" and
"Baba's control over Spirits"
Jai Sai Ram.


sathguru sainath maharaj ki jai.The post is beyond comment always.Ilove&awaiting for your post&bhajan.You have TRUE&STRONG DEVOTION,just follow HIS(BABA'S)way.JAI SAI RAM.
You have described experiences with BABA excellently.Waiting for the next.
Let BABA bless you and all...