Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day to All ,
Lord Krishna said "O Arjuna, the faith of each is in accordance with one's own nature. A person is known by the faith."This is so true in case of Sai devotee Radha ji .Inspite of going through tough times, a small ray of faith kept burning somewhere in her heart .This faith took her closer to Sai who was known yet unknown to her .Please read the mail attached below by Radha Ji . Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha ji,
I read the Sai experiences in blog and feel that reading Sai leelas is simply mesmerizing and we always thirst to hear more. It increases our faith and patience and makes us admire the love He has for His children. I always wonder if I am worth all this love.
Today, with Babas blessings, I would like to share a beautiful experience of how I became aware of Baba in my life. He came in as 2 beautiful roses. I hope this will instill more faith and love for Baba amongst His children.
In April 2007, we faced difficult times. My husband was going through a tough time at job. We were very concerned and worried about this and I prayed to God to protect us and guide us. Until then, I had not given much thought about Shirdi Sai Baba. I have seen His picture now and then, but nothing seemed to attract me to Him or anything. In fact, I used to think He is one of the old saints who lived a long time back and left the world for ever.
However, during this crisis of ours, I accidentally came across the ' Sai Vichaar' magazine. I was killing time surfing the net and suddenly an experience of a devotee who got his job problems solved by his wife’s reading of Shri Sai Satcharitra appeared out of no where and I was somewhat surprised to read it.
Suddenly I thought I could also read this book Shri Sai Satcharitra and if Baba is really great He will solve our problem.
As I live in Japan, I couldn’t go out to the book store and buy Shri Sai Satcharita so I surfed the net again and found the online version of Shri Sai Satcharita.I took print out of the whole book. Then came the problem. Everyone who had read Shri Sai Saitcharitra would read it in front of a Babas picture. But I had none/no picture.
I thought I could easily take a print out of Babas picture from the net but something stopped me. I think deep inside I was still the doubting Thomas and so I told this to Baba. ‘Look, I don’t have a picture of yours. But I want to start the reading on the coming Thursday. I am not going to take a print out of the picture, but I want you to come to me on a frame, so that I could keep you in the mandir of my house and be blessed'.
So, the very next day I went around, what I imagined being a wild goose chase. There is no way I am going to find a Shirdi Baba picture in a store in Japan. I knew this very well. Yet, on 24th of April I decided to go around this shopping mall looking for it. Imagine walking around this multi storied mall, full of branded fashion goods, boutiques and fancy restaurants. I searched in vain and suddenly decided that I will have to eat lunch. I did not know that was my first lesson from Baba. ‘Don’t look for me with an empty stomach.'
After lunch, I had less than an hour to search the mall again as I had to take a train at least by 3.15 to reach home before my son gets back home. I told Baba that if I don’t get the picture by 3.00, I have to go back home without it. It was already 2.50 when I gave up and decided to walk back to the subway. Suddenly the smell of agarbatti dragged me to a small ethnic shop in a tiny corner.
Behold! They had all sorts of God pictures and idols there. All.... but Shirdi Baba's. I was depressed beyond words and thought that I should take a print out after all and then may be frame it. After a thorough search I was about to leave and suddenly in a small corner of the shop I saw Satya Sai Babas Picture. That corner of the shop was entirely dedicated to Baba and so I went there and to my great surprise found this single beautiful picture of our dear Shirdi Sai Baba in pinkish orange kafni. I checked the time. It was 2.59. I bought the picture immediately and rushed back home with new hope.
Sairam Manisha ji,
I read the Sai experiences in blog and feel that reading Sai leelas is simply mesmerizing and we always thirst to hear more. It increases our faith and patience and makes us admire the love He has for His children. I always wonder if I am worth all this love.
Today, with Babas blessings, I would like to share a beautiful experience of how I became aware of Baba in my life. He came in as 2 beautiful roses. I hope this will instill more faith and love for Baba amongst His children.
In April 2007, we faced difficult times. My husband was going through a tough time at job. We were very concerned and worried about this and I prayed to God to protect us and guide us. Until then, I had not given much thought about Shirdi Sai Baba. I have seen His picture now and then, but nothing seemed to attract me to Him or anything. In fact, I used to think He is one of the old saints who lived a long time back and left the world for ever.
However, during this crisis of ours, I accidentally came across the ' Sai Vichaar' magazine. I was killing time surfing the net and suddenly an experience of a devotee who got his job problems solved by his wife’s reading of Shri Sai Satcharitra appeared out of no where and I was somewhat surprised to read it.
Suddenly I thought I could also read this book Shri Sai Satcharitra and if Baba is really great He will solve our problem.
As I live in Japan, I couldn’t go out to the book store and buy Shri Sai Satcharita so I surfed the net again and found the online version of Shri Sai Satcharita.I took print out of the whole book. Then came the problem. Everyone who had read Shri Sai Saitcharitra would read it in front of a Babas picture. But I had none/no picture.
I thought I could easily take a print out of Babas picture from the net but something stopped me. I think deep inside I was still the doubting Thomas and so I told this to Baba. ‘Look, I don’t have a picture of yours. But I want to start the reading on the coming Thursday. I am not going to take a print out of the picture, but I want you to come to me on a frame, so that I could keep you in the mandir of my house and be blessed'.
So, the very next day I went around, what I imagined being a wild goose chase. There is no way I am going to find a Shirdi Baba picture in a store in Japan. I knew this very well. Yet, on 24th of April I decided to go around this shopping mall looking for it. Imagine walking around this multi storied mall, full of branded fashion goods, boutiques and fancy restaurants. I searched in vain and suddenly decided that I will have to eat lunch. I did not know that was my first lesson from Baba. ‘Don’t look for me with an empty stomach.'
After lunch, I had less than an hour to search the mall again as I had to take a train at least by 3.15 to reach home before my son gets back home. I told Baba that if I don’t get the picture by 3.00, I have to go back home without it. It was already 2.50 when I gave up and decided to walk back to the subway. Suddenly the smell of agarbatti dragged me to a small ethnic shop in a tiny corner.
Behold! They had all sorts of God pictures and idols there. All.... but Shirdi Baba's. I was depressed beyond words and thought that I should take a print out after all and then may be frame it. After a thorough search I was about to leave and suddenly in a small corner of the shop I saw Satya Sai Babas Picture. That corner of the shop was entirely dedicated to Baba and so I went there and to my great surprise found this single beautiful picture of our dear Shirdi Sai Baba in pinkish orange kafni. I checked the time. It was 2.59. I bought the picture immediately and rushed back home with new hope.

I was surprised to see the buds and thought may be on Thursday when I start the parayan I can pluck them and offer to Baba. It was 26th morning and I prepared myself for the reading. I had a bath and prepared a small prasad and got ready to read. I went to the garden to pluck the flowers. Believe it or not... the color of the flowers had turned from deep red to pinkish orange. Exactly matching the color of Babas Kafni. I stood there gazing at the flowers in disbelief with tears in my eyes.
Needless to say, Baba made me aware of His presence and He is with us always. Baba made us visit Shirdi the same year and gave miraculous darshan, solved my husbands job problems and ever since, the roses are always pinkish orange in our plant.
May Sai instill in us faith and patience and love towards all.
Radha .


om sai ram.We are very greatful to you for sharing SAI BABA experience for all of SAIdevotees.sai bless you.