But the sister-in-law was very rigid and orthodox in her way of thinking. She observed all kinds of rituals, and pollution taboos. Though the stay was pleasant, she incessantly grumbled about the non-compliance of pollution taboos. Her sister said "You are grumbling so much about pollution taboos here. Even though this place is very good. I wonder what you will do at Shirdi? There even orthodox devotees place their heads on Baba's feet joyfully".
Aghast to hear this her sister replied "If that is so my prostrations to your Sai Baba from here itself. I don't need to go there".
That very evening the sister-in-law got shooting pains in her limbs. She could not take even a few steps. Despite massages, fermentations and medicines the pain didn't subside. As night fall approached they decided to leave the sister-in-law with her sister in the Dharamshala and proceed.
The devout sister said "From the time you high handedly spoke about Baba you have been suffering from this excruciating pain. You are missing Rameshwar and Baba. Sai Baba is God almighty. You salute Him and Rameshwar from here itself as you are going nowhere". The remark had a profound effect on the sister. She thought about it.
She became repentant and said "I am sorry I withdraw my words. If my shooting pain stops by morning and I am able to complete the Rameshwar pilgrimage I will immediately go to Shirdi for Baba's darshan". A few hours later the pain subsided and by morning she was well enough to proceed. Thus she realized that Baba and Shri Rameshwar was one and the same.
Baba didn't give credency to orthodoxy, taboos and fasting. All He wanted from His devotees was a heart bursting with 'Nishtha'. Baba never fasted and was extremely fond of raw onions. In fact, He kept a bag of onions in the Dwarakamai and ate them every day.
In Sai Satcharitra Ch.23, the story of Ram Baba a great student of Yoga, who came to Shirdi is given. Although he had studied and practised Yoga meticulously he could not attain Samadhi even for a few minutes. He hoped that Baba would help him and bless him. He entered the Dwarakamai and was aghast to see Baba eating stale bhakri and raw onions and doubts assailed him. Baba reading his thoughts said "Only they should eat onions who can digest it". On this I shall write in next post .Jai Sai Ram


sai please stay with us blessme baba i want your blessing omsairam omsair am om sairam padma