Baba’s treatment varied from devotee to devotee just like a doctor treats his patient according to their symptoms.Here are few incidents from the time of Baba where Baba treated His devotee in different ways and blessed them .

Baba said"When Brahmadev has created this Universe, if we do not appreciate it, His ingenuity and skill will be in vain. He who has no evil thought in his mind, why should he fear any one? Eyes do their work of seeing. Then why be embarrassed,"
How beautifully Baba spoke on the importance of sight and the use of senses ..
Few beautiful Sai leela's to read here ...
"I lost my eye sight I do not mourn its loss as it keeps me from seeing undesirable things. Yet, I yearn to see the Sagun Roop of my Lord, You. Therefore grant me sight till I am satiated at beholding your form. Then you may withdraw the sight again," prayed a devotee to Baba.
Baba at once restored his sight. He looked at Baba with love and devotion for a long, long time. When he was filled with joy and completely satisfied he lost his sight again. Thus Baba fulfilled his wish.
Another Leela I would like to mention here . ..
In Dadar, Bombay lived Vittal Yashwant Deshpande with his parents and grandfather. A tragedy brought him to Baba.His grandfather suddnely fell sick and gradually lost his sight. All sorts of remedies, treatments, doctors and vaids were tried. But, he became totally blind. Vittal was very fond of his grandfather and he helped him move around the house.
There lived in Bandra, a Satpurush named Govind Rao Mankar. He was a devotee of Baba and advised the grandfather to go to Shirdi, and seek Baba's blessings for a cure. The grandfather was impressed by the Satpurush, and was determined to go to Shirdi. He requested his son to take him to Shirdi, but for some reason, the trip was postponed.

Vittal thrust his hand into his pocket and found that he had a Rs.10/- and a Rs.5/- note. He gave Baba the ten rupee note, which He did not accept, nor would He accept the Rs.5/- note, nor would He give him the change. Vittal tried again, but Baba stubbornly said, "Give Me Rs.6/- dakshina".
So, Vittal brought his grandfather to the Sabha Mandap below, and seated him in a corner next to the wall. He went out to get the change. But try as he may, no one gave him the change. Frustrated and wondering how his grandfather was, he started crying. Suddenly, a well-built man stood before him. He had on a clean dhotar (Indian dress) a pagdi (turban), Poona shoes and chandan (sandalwood paste) on his forehead.
Gently, he asked, "Child, why are you crying?" Vittal told him how stubborn Baba was and his inability to get change. Quietly, he gave him the change. Vittal ran to Dwarakamai and placed the Rs.6/- at Baba's feet "Daro mat, beta. Allah Malik achcha karega. Ab thumhara kaam hogaya" (Do not fear my child Allah Malik will do good. Now your work is successful).
Vittal was astonished, but rather confused. He had not told Baba why he had come, nor had Baba asked him. He just stood there staring at Baba. Baba repeated the same words again. Still confused, he went to the corner where he had seated his grandfather, but he wasn't there. He searched in the Sabha Mandap, but couldn't find him.
Fearing that he may have walked out, he ran out of the Dwarakamai, but there was no trace of his grandfather. Again, he ran around the village, calling his grandfather, but he couldn't find him.
Dejected and afraid, he started crying bitterly, wondering if his grandfather had fallen or hurt himself. Lo! The same man stood before him. "Why are you crying now?" he asked gently, patting Vittal on his back. Though sobs, Vittal told him what had happened. "Your grandfather is seated on the steps of Sathe Wada", he said, pointing in that direction.
Vittal ran and found his grandfather happily seated on the steps, eating sugarcane.
Angrily, he said "Why did you leave the place I seated you at? Suppose you fell and hurt yourself? How did you reach here?" the grandfather told him that as soon as he went to get the change, his sight started returning. "By the time you came back, I could see clearly. So, I came to the Wada".
Vittal was relieved to hear this. He also understood why Baba asked for Rs.6/-only. The dakshina of Rs.6/- could possibly mean 'giving unto Baba the six internal enemies (lust, anger, greed, pride, delusion and envy) that thrive through the five senses (sight, hearing, speech, smell and taste). Especially sight (Sai Satcharitra Ch.16 ) is explained.
On the way home, he lost his cap, and was afraid to tell his grandfather about it. Finally, they reached Dadar. His parents were awaiting their arrival, when he turned around, his grandfather was missing. He collected all their bags and walked slowly towards his parents. They eagerly questioned him about the trip. He mumbled something, just then his grandfather arrived with a new cap. He was then filled with immense joy as he finally got proof that his grandfather could really see.
"But who was the mysterious gentleman, and how did he know who my grandfather was?" he wondered. Jai Sai Ram .
Another similar Leela I wish to share here...
From 1913 to 1915, Swami Sharan Anand saw a blind man in Shirdi. He was doing Hari Kirtan, and kept beat with his cymbals. In 1942 or 1943 he saw the same man reciting chapters of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita and singing verses from Dnyaneshwari's Amrit Anubhava. Curious about this, Swamiji said, "When did you get your sight back?" He replied "Through Baba's grace I received this precious gift. I had a blessed vision of Him years ago, and since then, I can see, read, write and move freely".
To assure Swami ji he read out several verses from the Amrit Anubhava. How wisely he used the sense of sight!
