During Baba's time many devotees got Baba's divine grace ,one of them was Uddhavesh alias Shyamdas Baba.Here in this post amazing incidents ,indicating the ever powerful Baba's grace and help to this devotee is narrated.
After reading the incident,a strange emotion of love and sadness passed through the heart .Mind started thinking -what Baba has said in the last paragraph of this post. And felt something affecting the heart absorbing it with complete love for Baba and tears rolled down for few minutes and after recollecting from that emotional state I felt like writing down this post immediately.
Hands are typing the story but dear readers, mind is still engrossed in those lines of Baba and mind only questions "What all Baba has to do for HIS children ?How much He takes everything onto Himself?
Sadguru our pita , Karunasagar the one who takes His devotees pain on Him,Brings them happiness and joy, the one who frees them from bondage,His love and His care can we ever fathom??
Nothing is in our hands but ofcourse we can only love HIM immensely truley and endlessly in return, to what all HE does for us. Nothing else .
Oh dear Baba ,I can never speak or write the glory you deserve my Sathguru. Never can I do ,whatever is done everything will fall Short.All I pray is to keep me at your holy feet and guide yourself in carrying out your this seva.Jai Sai Ram.
Read the story below.
He was born on 9th June 1865 and took Samadhi on 8th Aug 51.
Read the story below.
He was born on 9th June 1865 and took Samadhi on 8th Aug 51.
It was from Konkan Prantha, Ratnagiri Jilha Devgad gaon that his ancestors hailed from .Than they moved to Thane, where Uddhavesh grew up. From early childhood he was an ascetic by nature and loved to go pilgrimages and visit saints and sadhus.
He first visited Shirdi in 1904.This visit itself was very predictive of Baba’s grace on him. He had undertaken an elaborate pilgrimage of Rameshwar, from Wardha, it was by foot .On taking Gajanan Maharaj’s darshan, the saint told him to go south of Shegaon, where he would meet his Guru. Than, Harihar Baba at Shivlee who did not speak, except for saying Harihar, indicated that Uddhavesh would find his moksha guru at a place that rhymed with Shivlee (Shiladhi) in the westward direction.
At Shivalee, a party gave Uddhavesh a wild horse for his journey. The horse was bad natured for he bit you if you stood before him, and kicked you ,if you stood behind him .None the less ,taking him along ,he came to Ahmednagar Jila ,"the land of Saint’s”.
At Belapur, he had the darshan of Keshav Govind’s Samadhi and reached Kopergaon.After having bathed in Godavari; he did naam jaap and thence came to Shirdi.
In those days, Shirdi was a desolate place with abundant babul trees. He tied his horse to a babul tree taking care to muzzle his mouth and tying his hind legs to another tree, lest he may attack wayfarers. It was than he noticed a fakir in a torn-tattered kafani with a tin-tumbrel in his hand ,walking about aimlessly .He went up to him and politely asked him ,where the Sadhu of Shirdi stayed? .
The fakir blessed him with a shower of abuses. This episode hurt him to the core and he made his way to the village."He is an old cantecarous man and instead of answering a simple question in a civil manner he abused me and my mother,” he thought. On reaching the village he came to Masjid .
There was a hut next to it and an old lady was making bhakar and pitla.He enquired about the saint of Shirdi .She told him that he had gone out, but there was no saying as to when he would return .So, she was making bhaker ready for him to eat whenever he would return.
He enquired about his appearance .She described in great detail about Baba’s torn tattered kafani and head gear.
The masjid was littered with garbage in front of it but the inside was clean and neat .In a corner there were 4 lighted lamps, next to it a hand mill and some old and faded marigold garlands and some fresh garlands .A dhuni was burning in front of pillar .He wondered about the lighted lamps and the entire setup as he made his way back .The lady was a Hindu, the Sadhu described was a Muslim, and his mind was in turmoil."Agni in the masjid! Why?”Many questions arose in his mind on his way back .There he saw Baba patting his horse .Baba had his one hand on horse mouth and with other hand he was patting his head.
Spontaneously, he said,"Be careful Maharaj! This is a wild creature and he bites viciously “.He than went and layed head on Baba’s feet .He was filled with peace and he stood and asked the burning question,"Maharaj where and when will I find my Guru?” still patting his horse Baba answered,"Kallel pudhi, tu kothun aalas? Mee tar vedaa fakir aahe “Translated in English –you will realize in future where you come from .I am but a mad fakir.).
Than he added,"After 5 years, everything will be clear. Okay go. Leave today and do Upwas”.Than Baba and Uddhavesh returned to masjid .Some devotee had left a coconut offering .Baba broke it and gave half to Uddhavesh .Than he said,"Aaree how can a whole bhaker go down the stomach all at once .You will realize in 5 years. At that time, we will see “.Than, Uddhavesh bowed to Baba and left for Kopergaon and joined the rest of the group and continued his pilgrimage.
Between 1906 to 1911 he was fortunate to meet Nana Chandorkar, Janaradan Gonddev Kandikar and Baba Sahib Dev, who told him many leelas of Sai Baba.
In 1906, he visited Shirdi and Baba said,"Come Shyamdas, it is good that you have come.Ghoda Baeel chaavka ,Aamasee bhet to paavka” (English translation-Horses and bulls bite. But when they meet me, they become meek and gentle.) .
These words reminded him of Baba’s divine presence which was perceived even by the vile horse.Harihar Baba has told Uddhavesh that he would find his moksh guru at Shirdi.Everytime he visited Shirdi,thence ,he stayed for longer periods of time.
At Belapur, he had the darshan of Keshav Govind’s Samadhi and reached Kopergaon.After having bathed in Godavari; he did naam jaap and thence came to Shirdi.
In those days, Shirdi was a desolate place with abundant babul trees. He tied his horse to a babul tree taking care to muzzle his mouth and tying his hind legs to another tree, lest he may attack wayfarers. It was than he noticed a fakir in a torn-tattered kafani with a tin-tumbrel in his hand ,walking about aimlessly .He went up to him and politely asked him ,where the Sadhu of Shirdi stayed? .
The fakir blessed him with a shower of abuses. This episode hurt him to the core and he made his way to the village."He is an old cantecarous man and instead of answering a simple question in a civil manner he abused me and my mother,” he thought. On reaching the village he came to Masjid .
There was a hut next to it and an old lady was making bhakar and pitla.He enquired about the saint of Shirdi .She told him that he had gone out, but there was no saying as to when he would return .So, she was making bhaker ready for him to eat whenever he would return.
He enquired about his appearance .She described in great detail about Baba’s torn tattered kafani and head gear.
The masjid was littered with garbage in front of it but the inside was clean and neat .In a corner there were 4 lighted lamps, next to it a hand mill and some old and faded marigold garlands and some fresh garlands .A dhuni was burning in front of pillar .He wondered about the lighted lamps and the entire setup as he made his way back .The lady was a Hindu, the Sadhu described was a Muslim, and his mind was in turmoil."Agni in the masjid! Why?”Many questions arose in his mind on his way back .There he saw Baba patting his horse .Baba had his one hand on horse mouth and with other hand he was patting his head.
Spontaneously, he said,"Be careful Maharaj! This is a wild creature and he bites viciously “.He than went and layed head on Baba’s feet .He was filled with peace and he stood and asked the burning question,"Maharaj where and when will I find my Guru?” still patting his horse Baba answered,"Kallel pudhi, tu kothun aalas? Mee tar vedaa fakir aahe “Translated in English –you will realize in future where you come from .I am but a mad fakir.).
Than he added,"After 5 years, everything will be clear. Okay go. Leave today and do Upwas”.Than Baba and Uddhavesh returned to masjid .Some devotee had left a coconut offering .Baba broke it and gave half to Uddhavesh .Than he said,"Aaree how can a whole bhaker go down the stomach all at once .You will realize in 5 years. At that time, we will see “.Than, Uddhavesh bowed to Baba and left for Kopergaon and joined the rest of the group and continued his pilgrimage.
Between 1906 to 1911 he was fortunate to meet Nana Chandorkar, Janaradan Gonddev Kandikar and Baba Sahib Dev, who told him many leelas of Sai Baba.
In 1906, he visited Shirdi and Baba said,"Come Shyamdas, it is good that you have come.Ghoda Baeel chaavka ,Aamasee bhet to paavka” (English translation-Horses and bulls bite. But when they meet me, they become meek and gentle.) .
These words reminded him of Baba’s divine presence which was perceived even by the vile horse.Harihar Baba has told Uddhavesh that he would find his moksh guru at Shirdi.Everytime he visited Shirdi,thence ,he stayed for longer periods of time.

Once he had gone to Dwarkamayi and found Baba grinding wheat .At that time Baba had ground a little wheat and was about to grind some more .He went to sanctum Sanctorum and sat down and noted that Baba while grinding was singing awhile, saying Vedanta awhile, than showering abuses.
He was so fascinated by grinding, that he asked Baba,"Baba why have you kept this handmill? Why do you do this chore of grinding? “Baba than said,"Ithe je yataat, tyaanche malaa dalaava laagta bara (whoever comes to Me I have to grind for them.)
Thus he realized that Baba grounds the suffering and karmas of the devotees who come to Him. These sentences struck the core of his heart and he realized how much trouble and hardship Baba undergoes for us.
Our sanchit(the sum total of merit and demerit of the present life as well as all the previous births) and kriyaman (the actions of this present life with its repercussions and fruits in future births) are whirling around like a wheel .Then there are our hopes,aspirations,goals and trials, Only the Sadguru shoulders our tribulations for material benefits. Finally, to set us on the path of spirituality, helping us as we take the first few steps like a mother carrying us every time we falter or fall .Only the Sadguru can liberate us from the cycle of future births and deaths. No one else can!
When he went to take permission to leave, he said,"Baba why don’t you call me more frequently to Shirdi?”than Baba turning to Bala Shimpi said,"he says I don’t call him often .Yet we meet every 15 days .Don’t we?”Shyamdas had a routine of writing to Baba on Ekadashi of every month and Baba used to reply .Baba was referring to this.
Than Baba, as usual, gave him a handful of udi and blessed him .In a motherly tone Baba said,"so you are leaving? Aree Shyamdas I am with you all the time Allah Ram Malik will bless you and do good .Okay ".
On his last visit he had gone to Dwarkamayi in the afternoon at about 3 O’clock.Some devotees were seated at the sabha mandap and they cautioned Shyamdas not to go to the Dwarkamayi.Baba at that time was sitting still as if in meditation .Just then, one of the devotees went up for the darshan .Baba flew into rage and swiftly smacked the devotee with his satka .He let out a volley of abuses .The devotee fled from the Dwarkamyi.
Shyamdas went up and Baba welcomed as if nothing had happened.Shyamdas sat a while and Baba said,"Shyamdas when will you come again?” Shyamdas replied that he would return quickly and taking udi ,he left .He had not even reached the gate of Sabha Mandap when Baba called out to him .He retraced his steps and went to Baba .
On his last visit he had gone to Dwarkamayi in the afternoon at about 3 O’clock.Some devotees were seated at the sabha mandap and they cautioned Shyamdas not to go to the Dwarkamayi.Baba at that time was sitting still as if in meditation .Just then, one of the devotees went up for the darshan .Baba flew into rage and swiftly smacked the devotee with his satka .He let out a volley of abuses .The devotee fled from the Dwarkamyi.
Shyamdas went up and Baba welcomed as if nothing had happened.Shyamdas sat a while and Baba said,"Shyamdas when will you come again?” Shyamdas replied that he would return quickly and taking udi ,he left .He had not even reached the gate of Sabha Mandap when Baba called out to him .He retraced his steps and went to Baba .
Baba said," Hence forth don’t come to Shirdi okay .I am always with you whenever you may be, okay .The people here have changed a lot they trouble me incessantly with their cries for money and I am getting tired .Are you going on a yatra, or are you going to meet your family .I am always with you now and forever ".
This is the Kafani Baba had given to Shyamdas.


Dear Sai Sister
You deserve every accolode for your efforts for bringing different stories of Baba to His devotees.
The narration make its more fascinating to read. Baba's differnt leelas told in your blog really touched the heart and mesmerize all the devotees about Baba's prowess, His love towards his devotees and His foretelling power.
The last Paragraph in the post is the clear indication that Baba knew about His Mahasamadhi and that is why he told Shyamdas not to come Shirdi again.
I pray to Baba that he betow all his blessings to you and give you more and more strength to take your good forward.
May Baba's blessing be with u always for creating this lovely site...You are giving strength to all devotees with all this beautiful stories...Thank u very much...This site has brought lots of changes to my life...I know u r chosen to be the author by Baba...May u continue this lovely service successfully for all of us...Thank u once again...Om Sai Ram