In the following story one shall see how Baba takes care of a situation, simultaneously working on inner human thoughts/feeling.
Baba was sitting in Dwarkamayi along with his devotee.Baba said to Ram Chandra A.Tarkhad"I look at everyone with equality. Many people come to my Darbar with different motives and needs. The people who are here, are also as different as different can be Vani ,teli,varul,Kulkarni and tambolis etc.....
...Some are God fearing. Some are seekers of knowledge and enlightenment .Others are seeker of wealth, health and progeny .Others are rogue .Nonetheless I look at each and everyone with equality ".
It was Dussera holidays in the year 1915.At about 2.30 in the afternoon, when Tarkahd and his friends were doing charanseva to Baba, the junior munim(manager ) of his firm came for Baba's darshan .Both Tarkhad and the Munim looked at each other, aghast "Why are you anxious ,be calm and look at every act unfolding before you ,unruffled and with detachment, said Baba.
The munim was in desperate state. He looked starved, unshaven and unkempt. Anxiety was written all over his face. He bowed at Baba's feet, then touched Tarkhads feet.Baba turning to Dixit said,"Kaka take this man to your wada and after a meal, let him come to darshan.".Kaka did as we was asked.
Tarkhad's mind was racing around in circles. He thought,” what am I to do? This man has gambled away two and half lakhs of money of the cotton speculation and sales. The managing director of the firm has put out a police warrant for him. There is prize money for anyone who finds him. I cannot betray my manager, but he has sought refuge in Baba .My allegiance is to my manager, but my faith and devotion lies with Baba." Again Baba said."Why are you so anxious?"
Meanwhile, the other devotees began questioning Tarkhad as to who that particular devotee was. He vaguely replied that he knew him from Bombay .But they were not satisfied.” What will I say when I meet my manager director?” he thought.” Should I tell him that he came to Shirdi." Baba reassured him again .
Meanwhile, the other devotees began questioning Tarkhad as to who that particular devotee was. He vaguely replied that he knew him from Bombay .But they were not satisfied.” What will I say when I meet my manager director?” he thought.” Should I tell him that he came to Shirdi." Baba reassured him again .
The munim had a bath, and dined at Dixit's wada.Then the two of them came to the Dwarkamai.Baba expertly sent Dixit and Tarkhad to do some chore, and spoke to the munim alone."leave Shirdi at once and go to the manager and tell him what you have done and beg his pardon ,"said Baba.
The munim followed Baba's advice and went to Bombay after an absence of five months.Strangely, the manager asked the police to be lenient with the culprit.Baba had changed the mind and infused compassion in the manager and changed the mind of munim in surrendering and seeking pardon from manager.
The munim followed Baba's advice and went to Bombay after an absence of five months.Strangely, the manager asked the police to be lenient with the culprit.Baba had changed the mind and infused compassion in the manager and changed the mind of munim in surrendering and seeking pardon from manager.
When Tarkahd reached Bombay, he told the manager what has happened while he was at Shirdi.The manager wasn't upset with Tarkahd and assured him that everything would be alright.The munim had after all sought refuge in Baba. Thus anxiety of Tarkhad was also very well taken care by Baba.
How wonderfully Baba took care of each and everyone and simultaneously gave answer to the inner thoughts going on in their mind.Jai Sai Ram.

This is yet another example of Baba's omniscience and His total control over our minds. So, one lesson for all Sai devotees is this: Try to control your mind through sadhana and prayers etc., but if you fail, surrender to Sai. He will take care. Sai Ram.