Many a times we are in a situation where we are striving for some result but we fail to get it instantly .We wonder why our prayers and our religious efforts are not paying us ? We worry and loose our interest in the objective we wish to attain or the efforts we are trying to put we feel are going in vain . The turmoil and testing time is so tough on us that we do not know what to do and how to come out of it?
But for as per to my view this is the time when we have to hold on more strongly to our Sathguru, take all the pain and sorrow thinking He is working on us and we shall be over with it soon.
Here is an incident of a Sai devotee who waited for her prayers to be answered for long 7 years .How she faced the situation and how she realized the divine will in all this is written in her mail.
I really appreciate and honor fellow human being who have high regards for their parents and who hold them next to GOD, who care and think for their parents.Baba said many times” A child who bring pain to His/her parents commits the biggest sin and for that person I too cannot help or do anything ! ."Please read the following heart touching experience of this Sai devotee (who wish to keep her name unknown )her devotion to Baba and to her parents.Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha Ji,
I had been a devotee of Lord Venkateshwara since my childhood. It was during 1992 New Year, I happened to have the darshan of Lord Sainatha. A very formal way in just 15 minutes, I would say.
During my tough times and rough times I would pray to Baba, I would visit his temple. But it was only after the expiry of my father in the year 2001 that I was blessed by SAI, where an Iyengar aunty of mine blessed me to read Sai Satcharita to overcome many hurdles & irritations, which I was facing during the year 2001 .
I started reading Sai Satcharita but only Baba knew when and how in many incidents He has to resolve my issues.
I had been given a small piece of land in Hyderabad by my father as a token on Stree dhan (property given by father to daughter) at the most growing location. This Stree Dhan was registered on both, me & my spouse’s name ,but he was constantly chasing for money.
For years, there was no upliftment of the area or the land. Neither, I could get back that land relinquished. As my father expired in 2001, it was easy for him to take a Divorce on his favor & have this land still on his name. As per the new rule of AP, I could not sell this without his consent as we needed his finger prints. My father’s friend mediated this issue with his lawyer ,neither was he or his lawyer willing to help us.
All the papers had been signed by me & my finger prints had been given to them for mutual consent. I was away to some foreign place where my father expired to clear other issues in that place. Some how, me & my mother's visa could not get extended. Being disappointed, we reached India & could not come out of all these hurdles.
During that time, and many a times , I tried reaching my father’s friend to communicate with my ex-spouse (as he was then already married to another lady without our knowledge) & his lawyer to get it relinquished back on my name as Gift deed ,as that was bought by my father for me . Even my father’s friend turned up to their favor.
I was so frustrated with all these incidents, that at times, I cribbed and cried complaining about my father , for doing some mistakes in registering on Joint names. But I noticed when I cursed my father for having all this, I used to encounter some or the other kind of negative issue .. like my mother falling down & getting wounded or some or the other hurdle and problems would arise . Baba knew everything & these incidents hurted me – May be he wanted me to come out of all these happenings and was building my patience .
At times, I was so frustrated, that I really wanted to donate the land to TTD or Shirdi Sansthan or for some Vruddha Ashram (OLD AGE HOME) as the value of this land was increasing 10 times the price.
Baba helped in the form of a Mr X ,although, I paid a lot of money to him to get this relinquished back as Gift deed from my ex-spouse. Mr X was also not a very fair guy he managed to convince me by giving beautiful stories about the land ,many times he threatened from rowdy /gangsters and much more issues. Finally he succeeded to get registered – a Special power of Attorney from me on his name.
It was in the year 2006, when I was doubtful about Mr.X’s character & revealed the same to Saibaba. Baba knew all my intermediary thoughts & put the complete picture of Mr. X with another source, which happened to be a co-incidence(If I say sai incidence it shall be appropriate ). And Mr.X was forced to revoke the Special Power of Attorney, by force through some intermediary people, putting up the actual character of Mr X in picture.
I could finally sell this with the aid of my great friend (whom I refer as GURU) in year 2007 , whose name , I wish to keep it anonymous.( I am indebted to this GURU of mine till date but I do not say this out.) I could finally sell this land 10 times of the price invested in it.
During the process of selling and all other document related formalities, I was always accompanied by a good friend of mine (whom I refer as GURU). I could see picture of Sai Baba, where all I went esp..at the purchaser’s lawyer or the registration office etc, with my GURU to discuss about the price and other formalities.
Every where, Baba was ahead of us and indicating HIS presence.
I would like to bring this to attention being human being undergoing so much of problems and issue ,during this period I feared a lot, got frustrated & many times lost my patience too. But Sai knew what to do, when to do and how to do ?

This situation really put me to strong FAITH on him. He worked on me internally which was not noticed by me immediately. I was being blessed by him. There were days where I really wept & said to SAI - you are same as other GODS sitting on the Sinhasan but doing nothing .This communication would go on and off.
But today, when I look back I feel I am blessed by him, though the waiting was for a long period of 7 years. He worked on me and my patience and faith on him paid me .As soon as I sold this in about 6 months, the same was taken over by the GOVT and some work has progressed on it.
Today, I am a strong devotee of Sai baba whatwever I do, anything eg drink, sleep ,eat ,work ,going to office ...do anything; I think of him , I make my visit regularly at his temple. I do not go to any other temple other than Sai temple. I read only his books & do only his pooja. I believe only him, next to my mum & do every activity on his advice. I feel, He has become my father whom I lost ,He is seated in my heart as my own father for me to carry forward in this life as we have no male head in our family.
HIS blessing in resolving this issue ,I cannot express my happiness or the sorrows shared. I offered as a gratitude to my SAI a small token of Annadan & Study Fund ,though it is very small but yes – it was in the name of my Parents, whose blessings I am carrying till today.
Sansthan has honored both of us, but it was purely the blessing of mother & invisible atma of my father. . I missed my father to share the honor, the Sansthan had given. But my tears roll by when I recollect incident of honoring my mum. Oh Bless us always and keep your divine hand on us .
Thanks to Sai Baba! I can only show my devotion to him. I thank to him for setting me at the right track in all means - Nature or Personality .. And I am blessed to have him taken care of my Amma!
Jai Bolo Sadguru Sachithanantha Sadguru SAIRAM ki jai!!!!!'
