In Sai Satcharitra we have seen how Baba reached on his own where he wished to reach and devotees became instrumental in HIS plan .Like Baba’s photo reached Hemandpants home as given in chapter 50 of Sai Satcharitra under the topic “Hemadpant's Shimga Dinner” where Ali Mahomed tells Hemadpant about the detail of the photo.Devotees can read this story from Sai Satcharitra.
After so many years of Baba’s Mahasamadhi ,HIS children are feeling HIS presence around them and witnessing HIS love, blessing and grace all the time.
I shall narrate two incidents that took place in our life which indicate HIS way of working for HIS children.
This incident is about more than 15 year's back, when our family had gone on summer vacation to Nanital where our relatives live. Being a hilly route we always took medicine which would prevent us from nausea in our journey. It was time for our return back to our home .We had to travel next day and my mother found that the medicine had finished .It was evening and before it could get more late we all started for the market..
Nanital market is not very big so we decided which ever shop we find first we shall go there. Soon we found one shop .As we entered the shop and asked for the tablet ,the shopkeeper (a sardar ji)seemed very sad and in one of his bad mood, he looked disinterested to welcome his customer or speak anything .With very unconcerned way he went and took out the tablet and threw it on the counter .We could feel the mood and not so good behavior of the shopkeeper, but we kept mum .Seeing his disturbed mood, unwelcoming behavior and rude way of speaking we too wanted to clear off fast from the shop .
My father asked for amount and took out his wallet to pay him.
While he was taking out the money suddenly Sai Baba’s locket slipped out of the wallet and fell on the counter .The shopkeeper quickly pounced on it and looked at it intensely for few seconds .We did not know what to say or do? .We were our self astonished from where did this locket come ? And more so astonished by the shopkeepers behavior.
Shopkeeper looked at my father, my mother and than at me, after a pause he seemed to flush in with happiness and excitement, he did not look like the person we saw just a few minutes back .With a humble request he said to my father “sir you are having this in your finger ring, madam is wearing it in her chain and your daughter is also wearing it, if you do not mind can I have this for myself?”
“Why not! Of course have it, said my father “. One should have looked at the face of that shopkeeper .He was glowing, he was so excited, his mood and his behavior everything was totally gone, and he was another person.
My mother was thinking this is the locket which has saved my father and has been constant companion during his stay in field areas (my father was in army) wherever he went .It assured my mother, of my fathers safety .Many years back the chain which held this locket had worn out so not to loose the locket he had kept it in his wallet and forgotten about it.
Every time he traveled or moved he carried it in purse but it never came out, like it popped out at that moment. But even my mother could not say NO and it was passed on to the shopkeeper.
He thanked my father several time and we left from there.
On the way we all were thinking how that locket came out from the wallet? It was a mystery for all of us and we forgot about the incident soon thinking “well it’s nice …One more person is blessed by Baba “
The incident did not end here ,next year again in summer vacation we went to Nanital .My mother generally keeps full strip of tablet but she found to her surprise that the tablet was not there in her purse and we need to buy before we start our journey .So again we all went to the market to get the tablet and for other tit bit shopping .While we finished our shopping and was returning home we recollected about the medicine and happened to reach the same shop where we had gone last year (what a co-incidence!!)
As my father entered the shop, the shopkeeper came running to us and welcomed us with full heart and love. He was so very excited that hardly he could speak .And we were of course surprised by his behaviour.He made us sit and asked us about our welfare .He immediately called his wife and asked her to bring some snacks and tea. We were all so taken by the treatment that we couldn’t understand what was happening and it was even embarrassing us .
And than the shopkeeper spoke collecting himself from the excitement he was going through.
He said “Sir you do not know what you have done for me? Last year when you had come to my shop you must have seen my state of mind and my behavior? I was lost and devastated with my life and events happening in my life. I had lost my brother and things were not going good. I did not know what to do and where to go ?When you came to my shop and the locket fell from your wallet I do not know what made me immediately grab it with both hands? I have seen the person in locket and photo at few places but could never have it as I did knew whom to ask or who shall give me? But when I saw that locket fall something from within inspired and within a flash of second without loosing any time. I just went for it...
After you left within no time my life took another shape, things happened for my betterment and everyday seemed a new day with new meaning and new happiness. Everything that I was undergoing just seemed to vanish away and I realized the power of having this locket with me .I could not mistake that this person in locket has started taking care of me and my family and my once so dull and meaningless life turned into a happy life. My work, my family life and my nature everything seemed in control of this great person. I cannot express in words how I felt the life taking a new shape .I tried to search information about this great saint/Baba but I failed and I remembered you all ,everyday and prayed to Him for your welfare. I wished if you could come back some day to my shop and I can ask you more about HIM ?”
"From where have you come again in my life like an angel ?.I used to think how shall I know him more? Where does He live? How can I reach him? How do I do his prayer and etc etc…and lo! Here you are again to tell me!!!Is He not listening! Is He not working on our prayer as least I am witnessing every day. "
As he was speaking ,everything became clear to my parents and to me what happened on that day and we felt good for this person and Baba blessing him and his family.
He gave us a heavy tea party in the shop and kept telling about all that he felt in last one year .And than in between the conversation he inquired everything about Baba.
My mother told him everything related to Baba and gave him Shirdi Sai Sansthan address for Udi. She gave him small photo that she had of Baba with her and all the details she could give as he asked. Immediately in front of my mother he put money in an envelope for Shirdi to be sent so that he can get UDI by post .
After spending good one hour in his shop talking all about Baba we started to leave for our home. We were all so happy for him and the change we saw, we were totally speechless. Felt ,Baba how much love and respect you have showered making us the medium in your own divine plan? Being the doer YOURSELF you have given us the whole credit!!
That day we thought, spoke and discussed only about that person, we could not forget his smiling face and the happiness that was radiating all around him .We were still trying to figure out how all these incident were tied up in a string by Baba. (Going for tablet to the shop one year back, fathers locket falling on the counter, again this year, not having the tablet before traveling and reaching the same shop after the shopping ….it appeared completely HIS master plan.)
We surrendered all the action to His holy feet and thanked Baba for taking care of one more person .
One more thing that we all learnt from this incident like a message from Baba, that we should always carry extra Baba’s photo, locket and udi in our purse who knows where Baba shall want to go next?
Second incident in continuation to this I shall write and post it tomorrow. Jai Sai Ram .


Tears Rolled down from my eyes while reading the incident ! Baba is GREATEST Power in the Universe....
Love You Baba !
I m surrendering completely at your feet.
wonderful post...we all sai childern are really blessed...very nice to hear and read always how our saima take care of his children...om sairam..