This is another story of how Baba’s photo came in action to save his devotee.
Plague had raged in Pimpalgaon.W.C Munge a lawyer due to fear of the plague had moved his family from Pimpalgaon to his farm house.One night a theft was in progress in his house. The thieves has very cleverly made a hole in the wall and the family was in sound sleep unaware of anything .
In the same wall where the thieves had made a hole just above was hung Shirdi Sai Baba’s photograph.
Very cleverly the thieves entered the room .One of them took small box below the bed and passed it to his fellow accomplice standing outside. This box had money worth Rs 200/-and some promissory note worth of Rs4000 /.Next he progressed in lifting a huge trunk which had family jewellery worth Rs10,000/ .This all Baba was watching from the wall above the bed.
Seeing this happening at that very instant Baba appeared in his Dream and woke him and warned him of the theft .Munge knowing this started to shout on top of his voice .With this noise whole family, the servants and the watchmen all got up and chased the thieves .Next day small box was found in the field,the cash was missing but the promissory notes were intact.During that day night, he got a vision in his dream Shri Sai Baba, Shri Abdul Baba and another Fakir -strong personality appeared before him. Aftej some days, he visited Shirdi and took darshan of the same three persons of whom he has seen in his dream .
Few days later Shri Datta Brahamchari of Kopargaon visited Munge for lunch .He told that the lost property was recovered, the police raided a Marwaris house and seized stolen good from him .The police officer also later arrived at Munge’s house and informed him of the raid and subsequently with proper identification Munge recovered his money. Again it strongly indicates Baba’s presence in His own photo and seeing HIM photo is seeing HIM in person .This clearly shows that Sai Baba was not only, safeguarding the interest of His devotees but also their belongings .Jai Sai Ram .
