Being a Tuesday I would like to write about a fresh incident.This June when I was in my parents place for my summer vacation in India, on Monday evening I had severe headache.I took some painkiller still it did not give any relief. With aching head I tried to sleep. Whole night I was restless due to the pain and could not sleep .My head was throbbing with pain and was very heavy .I prayed but still no relief.
It was Tuesday next day and I was thinking how will I do morning pooja for Sai Baba ji and Hanuman ji? With headache and these thoughts it was more than midnight that I fell asleep. In the early hours of Tuesday morning I saw in my dream extremely big feet of Lord Hanuman. And I looked so tiny in front of them. Hanuman ji's feet all covered with hair. I immediately recognized that it was Lord Hanuman feet and instantly I bowed down my head on His feet .
My head was touching feet of Lord Hanuman .As I raised my head and tried to look up at the face of Lord Hanuman I could not see the face as He was extremely tall and huge. Within those minutes my dream got over. I woke up and had a glass of water and saw the time it was 4.30 am .I felt very light and very fresh. Grace of Lord Hanuman ji worked on my headache and I was feeling so light as though nothing had happened in last 12-16 hours, were I was not able to bear the pain and was so restless. I thanked Baba and Lord Hanuman and went to sleep for another 3 hours.
While doing my morning pooja when I was reading Hanuman Chalisa the dream was coming again and again in my thought and my mind wondered on Hanuman ji and how Hanuman ji saved life of Lakshman by getting Sanjeevani buti and how he would be totally engrossed in Rama bhakti!!!

Baba always gave due respect to Lord Hanuman , He would first come out of the mosque in the morning ,he would stand leaning on the wall for a while. After that he would stand opposite the Maruti temple to the Lord Hanuman, and gazing fiercely at the temple would move his hands making some kind of signals.
Not only this in one of my early post I has mentioned when Tarkhad was given Baba’s Kafani to hold he was unable to do so and he prayed to Lord Hanuman and Baba immediately asked him why is he calling Hanuman?
Writing about Hanuman ji I would also like to share this.Personally I am staunch devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from the very small age.Whenever I visit any temple I feel HIS presence in all God and all GOD in HIM.Instead of saying any name its only Sai's name that comes involuntary to my lips.
Inspite of my so many relatives telling me to pray particular GOD on so and so occasion or what any reason , I would never paid any heed to them just like a stubborn/adamant child who does not wants to listen others.This was beacuse over the years I realized it very clearly that my GOD,GURU everything is only Sai and Sai Baba no one .But somewhere down the line Baba wanted me to pray to Lord Hanuman and Lord Vishnu and there occurred few incidences which made me realize that it is not me who wants to do anything it is Almighty Shri Sathguru Sainath who wants me to worship two more GOD(taking it similar to Baba telling Shama to recite vishnu Sahasranam )) ,Lord Hanuman and Lord Vishnu inspite of my unwillingness .(His play Only Sai know!!).And after those incidences I regularly pray to Lord Hanuman and Lord Lord Vishnu.
Well returning to Sai Baba and the incident which I was telling above .In one of the incident Shirdi Sai Baba and Shama had a conversation where Shama had some of his doubt and he asked Baba .
Shama asked Baba “Kya Re (like one speaks to close friend)Deva it is written in Ramayana that Lord Rama got a bridge built by one crore of monkeys. This bridge spanned the sea, so Rama could cross it and reach Lanka.Their he waged war with Ravana and vanquished him. Deva is this true?”
Baba said,"Yes, this is true .The sea is real Shama and Lord Rama was really there.”Shama than said,"Deva where did so many monkey sit? And how did they sit?”
Baba replied,"they sat on the trees and clunged to the branches. They looked like myriads of ants.” Shama than said," Did u see this with your own eyes?" Baba said,"yes, yes I saw this with my own eyes. All right Shama".Shama than said,"when I first saw you here you hardly had a stubble of moustache .Than how and when did you go to see the baner sena?”Baba said,"Shama you and I have been together for many generations .I remember them but you do not.” (How beautiful relation Baba and Shama had!! )
In wonder Shama said,"how old were you than?" Baba.
Baba said," Just as you see me now ".

Shama could not grasp the fact that Baba was, is and will be same forever .Than he said,"is this really true?”Baba said," Have I ever lied sitting here in Dwarkamayi? What I say is true. I swear by you ".Once Shri Krishna said the same thing to Arjun.In the Gynaneshwari shlok 1368 ,Krishna says," do not entertain any misgivings about what I say .I swear by you to guarantee its truth ".
As I narrate this these words of Baba,it really touches my heart “yes, yes I saw this with my own eyes.” And these words of Baba ," Have I ever lied sitting here in Dwarkamayi? What I say is true. I swear by you”.
How beautiful words Baba spoke -we all are blessed to know this convresation .
We all Sai children know very well that Baba’s word were always meaningful and true. He never uttered anything just for speaking .Infact sometimes devotees would not understand as Baba would speak in parables…but whatever he spoke it always carried some important message or instruction s.
Even after so many years of Samadhi of Shri Sai Baba ,whatever He said at that time ,is witnessed by lakhs and lakhs of people every single second coming true nothing else can be said except experiencing it and I am sure readers will agree with me !!.
As Baba said He was there and He saw with His own eyes it directly speaks of HIM being Rama, With Rama- from ages -centuries, HE is the Param Bhrama .In my earlier post on Das Ganu I have mentioned how Baba direcyly spoke of HIMSelf being GOD ,even though most of the time Baba will say he is servant of HIS Lord but in one of HIS different moods HE will indicate HE is GOD .It is we who have to open our eyes of devotion and recognize HIM (Para Brahama Satchidananad Sathguru )and HIS love for His children.
Jay Jay Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram .
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details


Dear Manishaji,
Thank you for this lovely experience that you have shared.
I find it very amusing that Baba does similar things with his devotees. Like you, after I became serious in spiritual life, I just ignored all other deities and just prayed to Baba... I used to justify it by telling myself, "When you and your family needed help, did any other deity come to help you?? No; it was only Baba who helped, then why not just concentrate on Baba".........But then as years passed one by one I got experiences with other deities as well which was linked with Baba - AND I KNEW WITH MY HEART AND SOUL THAT BABA IS GETTING ME CLOSER TO THEM AS WELL - Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman & Lord Shiva (revived my faith in him), Lord Ram, Maataji and my lovely Radha Maa!
I wanted to mainly tell you that I am reading this new book named, "Sreepaada Sreevallabha Charitamrutam" which was written at around 13th century BC. Sreepaada Sreevallabhaji is an incarnation of Shri Datta Guru (Parabrahman-God). It is mentioned in that book that Sreepaada Sreevallabhaji had declared back then itself that he would incarnate in the future centuries as Shri Narsimha Saraswati.....AND YOU WILL BE TOTALLY SURPRISED WITH THIS - ONE STORY IN IT MENTIONS THAT HE GOES TO A CAVE WHERE LORD HANUMAN WAS MEDITATING AND IT GETS DECIDED THAT Sreepaada Sreevallabhaji WOULD MERGE WITH LORD HANUMAN AND INCARNATE AS SAI BABA IN SHIRDI...YES, YOU ARE READING IT CORRECTLY...
I felt really happy to read about Baba-Lord Hanuman-Lord Rama..really feel blessed to acquire this info. Thanks to Baba. Om sai ram
Amazing experiences.BABA has been so kind to have me find this post. Manisha ji and Saurabh ji Thanks a lot for sharing.
I have also been directed to Hanuman by Sai Baba. Years ago i woke up to a very bright golden light that lit up the entire wall opposite my bed. As if slow motion , the beautiful face of sai baba in orange robes appeared ( a gigantic face which was radiating affection ) . i stared in awe and in about a few seconds the image transformed into a big full form of lord Hanuman . Hairy , big and beautiful hanuman ! I felt blessed then but did not start hanuman chalisa because i missed the point. Recently when i did a havan ( homam ) at home the full form of Hanuman appeared in the fire ! the next day a monkey came home and ate prasad left in my puja room. This confirmed that Hanuman has blessed my family and this whole thing was intact triggered by Sai Himself !
Jai bajarang Bali...