It never appears strange or miraculous to devout bhakt because that is the way Baba HAS BEEN,always running AHEAD and FAST for His bhakt and their wishes.Taking care of their simple to complicated wishes.This is a very interesting leela how Shirdi Sai Baba reached Sri Lanka on His own. There are many ways Baba plays HIS leela and this is one of them ...very very blessed Leela of Sai ....I am putting it as it is sent by Sai devotee Kouwshigan Ji.
Sai Ram
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
I am Kouwshigan from Colombo, Sri Lanka, a member of Sai Nilayam, Colombo and am happy to share a Baba’s leela on the Shirdi Baba statute, which were brought from India in 2003, December.
This article is written by our Asst. treasure of Sai Nilayam and see, how Baba helps to
Fulfill our desires.
Kouwshik .
Dear Readers
From the inception of the construction of Sai Nilayam in New Chetty Street, we have witnessed numerous miracles of god showering blessing and Grace on us. It has been clearly shown that if we indulge in Baba’s work with determination , Baba will be with us from start to finish to complete the task successfully. This noble truth was revealed to me in the following incident. In 2003, December I was about to undertook a pilgrimage to Puttaparthi with my mother and mother in law. When our President of the Centre came to know about my trip, he requested me to do a help.

There was already a statue of Shirdi Sai Baba which was donated to Sai Nilayam by the charitable lady and her family members who had sold the land on which Sai Nilayam had been constructed. This statue was kept at the home of another Sai devotee in Madras. Our president wanted me on my return trip to collect this statue and bring it to Sri Lanka. Thinking that the statue is small in size and I will be able to carry as a hand luggage on my return journey, I consented to undertake the task.
Before going to puttaparthi I contacted the devotee in Madras and asked him to keep the statue ready to be collected on my return from Puttaparthi, After spending some days at Puttaparthi on my return to madras I contacted madras devotee , who told me that the statue was packed in a box and ready and further he will bring the box to the airport himself.
Next day at the airport this devotee and his sons were there to deliver the statue and they said that they will wait there until our flight take off. Further he gave me money to pay for any over weight surcharge is incurred.
When we were waiting at the entrance for check-in, a gentleman approached me and started conversing. He told me that he had seen me in Puttaparthi bus and he is also traveling to Sri Lanka, I can see my mother did not approve my chatting with a stranger. Then the doors were open to allow us to enter the check in area, and I rushed inside pushing the cart in which the statue box is placed.

But we didn’t have any letters and there is no time to get one. My stranger argued fiercely with the Officer and the officer went and brought his chief to settle the problem. I did not understand what was going between my friend and the officers but I noticed that the chief was wearing Sai Baba ring. Suddenly the chief wanted to see what is inside the box, I went to Madras devotee and got the hammer and a pliers from them and gave it to the stranger. He opened the box and for the first time I saw the statue of Shirdi Sai Baba, It is more than I imagined and it looks heavier. The officer asked me to lift the statue by head to show him but I found I could not do it. But the stranger came forward and lifted the statue by head without any effort with only using one hand. The officer was satisfied and asked to take the statue. I closed the lid of the box and nailed it firmly and went out to return the hammer etc. Then only Madras devotee told me that this statue was brought to airport twice previously but they have to take it back.
I returned and took the luggage to weigh. There also we were asked for permission letters to take the statue out of India and they refused to weigh the box. Again our stranger friend appeared from nowhere and fiercely argued with the officers there. Again the officer called the commanding officer to solve the problem. Coincidentally, this commanding officer also wearing Baba’s ring. But this officer also wanted to open the box. As I was about to go in search of the hammer etc, my stranger came forward and pulled out the nails from the box bare handedly and opened the box.

The officer being satisfied with the contents of the box, allowed us to go. Further when the box weighed was more than 100 kilograms and I had to pay the excess weight charge for which I did not have enough money even I had some money given to me by madras devotee. My stranger friend came forward seeing my plight and offered the balance money and said this is his share in my noble task. Even in the flight, the stranger was seated in front of our seat. When we disembarked, our friend accompanied us to our house and helped us to carry the box inside. We invited him for a cup of tea but he politely refused saying he has to go to Wanni and he is already late.
When my mother insisted to have a sip of coffee at least, I heard him refusing again and I turned around to speak, the stranger was not there.

Which way he went how he went still puzzle me. He must be around 40 or 45 years of age with a wiry body. I remembered he had a foreign passport. Then it struck me. I was helping him to fill the embarkation form because his hands were not steady and shaking. Then how he was able to nail the lid of the box With his bare hand. How it is possible for him to lift the head of the statue with only one hand? I also remembered that I have not mentioned about what is inside the box or why we are taking the box during our conversation with him at Chennai airport.
But how he answered the officers as he knows all about the box and its final destination. He played His leelas on me. He had performed the best act on me. All that happened were part of his leelas. This is the way He flash his visiting card when he helps the devotees. Everything in this world happened as He wishes not by our wishes.
Dear Readers I shall be posting leela related with wallpaper photos which were used in screen saver ,many of them have a story behind it .One of the wallpaper is here which is of Shirdi Sai Baba statue .This statue is in Sri Lanka and the above Leela itself explains the divinity and presence of Baba in it.Other wallpaper are coming up .
This wallpaper was posted on Janmashtami along with screen saver ,readers can read the post"Sai the embodiment of Love" and download the screen saver .Readers can download THIS wallpaper from the following link in full size.Click here .


Sairam Manisha,
A very amazing leela of Baba.He only knows where to go and how to go.
The photo enclosed looks very live.When I saw the photo I could clearly see Baba's eyes moving.That particular photo is the second one in the artic le, just below ur mail to the readers.Sairam!
Mrs.Sasikala Ravivenkatesan