Me and my wife, Vanaja came into the fold of Baba around 1989-90. Prior to that I was in service. Whenever I was transferred in my job, I left all the belongings in that place itself and presented myself at the new posting. Only that idol of Baba, received as a gift in our marriage, traveled with us, wherever we went. We did not pay serious attention to this idol. Later in Hyderabad when we purchased a new car, we used to go for Baba’s darshan.
However without going into the temple, we took the Darshan from outside itself. In 2004, we started going to the Shri Sai Baba temple in Panchkuta, Hyderabad. Gradually we started doing the Aarti every night at 10 o’clock. The idol in the temple was very beautiful. But, due to paucity of funds the flooring work was pending. I expressed my desire, to get the flooring of the temple done, to the temple secretary. I expected it to cost Rs. 4 to 5 lakhs. The temple secretary directly selected white Italian marble for the said work.
Two and a half years ago a Marwari householder had purchased such marble for his own house. I got them for Rs. 15 lakhs. With the blessings of Baba this was the first donation made by me in my life. With this flooring the ambience of the temple was transformed and slowly the flow of donations to the temple also began. Further, my wife Vanaja expressed her desire to donate funds for the temple’s meditation hall.
Accordingly we again gave a donation of Rs. 10 lakhs. After that, a devotee got a centralized air conditioner installed. Even a golden throne for Baba is getting ready in the temple. After donating to this temple my trade also flourished at very rapid pace. I tried to spend all the wealth acquired with the grace of Baba, for Baba’s work only.
On October 8th, I came to Shirdi for Sai Baba’s darshan with friends and then slowly the regular trips to Shirdi began. From 2006, I began coming to Shirdi every month. Later I began coming twice a month, then thrice a month and now I come four times a month for Baba’s darshan. Now I have firmly realised that there in nothing other than Baba. In 2005, when the worship in the temple of my house was on, one out of the 20 to 25 bells began chiming without any wind or whiff of air. I considered it to be Baba’s miracle.
I had purchased a Hindi book titles, “You only gave me the pain, You only will give me the balm.” When one opened this book, a fragrance would pervade. Once, while doing worship in my house on Ramnavami, the flame of the lamp was extinguished by my wife and it was lighted again automatically. We were all overcome with emotion at these miracles of Baba. Since Sai Baba had given us everything, we never asked for anything from Baba. Our only prayer is to keep everybody happy.
After coming to Shirdi for the darshan, we made many new acquaintances; I got to know Shri Shrinivas, who looked after the old-age Ashram of Dwarkamai Seva Trust in Shirdi. Shri Shrinivas later introduced me to the trustee of the Sansthan Dr. Eknath Gondkar. Once, Dr. Gondkar invited us to his house for breakfast. There we expressed to Dr. Gondkar our desire to give a permanent thing for Baba. I asked if we would be permitted to do so. On that Dr. Gondkar asked us to place our proposed desire!
He said he would place it at the meeting of the Board of Trustees. I desired to present golden Padukas (footwears) for which I was ordinarily prepared to spend Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Accordingly I applied for a proper permission to be allowed to donate the gold Padukas. The Board of Trustees approved the same. I am grateful to the chairman of the Sansthan Shri Jayant Sasane, the vice-chairman Shri Shankararao Kolhe, the Sansthan’s Board of Trustees and executive officer Shri Bhausaheb Wakchure.
The Board of Trustees granted the permission; but stated that 3.5 kgs of gold would be required for the purpose,. I was only prepared for Rs. 3.5 lakhs. “Baba had given the permission and now Baba alone would arrange it,” with these sentiments I went to Hyerabad. I was in business of buying and selling land. I wanted to sell 16 acres of land. I had mentally decided that whatever money I get over and above my desired amount, I will donate I entirely for Baba’s Padukas. With Baba’s blessings a customer also came.
He paid much more than I expected. After concluding the deal he gave me 50% of the amount due in cash and for the balance he requested me to accept 3 kgs of gold biscuit. In my business, I was never offered gold in lieu of cash. Considering it Baba’s miracle, I came to Shirdi that very night. I offered 3 kgs gold to Baba, as it was not mine. I told those concerned to begin work of the Padukas immediately.
In a week’s time I got further cash equivalent to the cost of half kg gold, which I deposited with the Sansthan. Baba’s Padukas were ready and ritually installed with Pooja Archana in the temple. It is indeed my great fortune to be given this opportunity.
After the dedication of Sai Baba’s Padukas my business also increased a great deal. I got known all over the country. In one deal I got more money than I needed from the party of Chennai. A thought came to my mind to donate something to the temple in the name of my father.
Accordingly, when I came of Diwali for Laxmi-pooja, the priest of the temple said it would be nice if there was a netted cover for the water placed for Baba. With the blessings of Baba, I immediately offered a 3.5 kgs gold netted cover to the temple.
One day, the caretaker of the old age Ashram Shri Shrinivas took us for breakfast to the Dwarkamai eating house in front of Dwarkamai, from where we saw the temple top (Kalash). The Kalash of Tirupati instantly flashed before my eyes and I got a desire to have the same for Sai Baba’s temple. It was Baba Who put this desire in my mind and indicated to begin the work soon.
I expressed this desire to the temple trustee Dr. Eknath Gondkar and presented my application for the same. I was given an estimated requirement of 3 kgs of gold for this work, and I consented. Only the labour charges was more for this work. I met the executive officer Shri Bhausaheb Wakchaure. He gave permission immediately. In the first phase I deposited a gold biscuit of 1 kg with the Sansthan. Once again I received gold in lieu of cash in a deal. I began accepting that Baba was giving me this gold for His work only. Even this gold I deposited with those concerned. The work on the Kalash was ritually consecrated too.
My aged mother came to this programme, climbed the temple steps and reached the venue of the Kalash workship programmed. In fact Baba only gave her the strength. Today when I see the Kalash, I fail to express in words the immense joy and fulfillment I experience.
Baba has mentioned the significance of donating food in Shri Sai Satcharitra. Accordinlty we did Annadan on Gurupournima day for 25000 people in Shirdi. On August 30, 2007, we entered our new home. To mark the occasion we did Annadan to serve 25000 people in the Sai Baba temple at Vanasthalipuram also.
There is a desire to offer much more services to Baba. I intend to donate a cowshed (Goshala) in Shirdi; so that the fuel for the Dhuni would be available from this Goshala. But, it is equally true that this work is not possible without the wish of Baba.
It is accrued blessings of our previous births that Baba gave this opportunity to serve Him. There are lakhs of hands that come to Shirdi and give. I consider it my great fortune to be selected by Baba for the above work. In the true sense, all this credit goes to Baba, as I served Baba only with the surplus I received.
This I humbly admit here. While serving Baba in Shirdi, the Sansthan’s chairman Shri Jayant Sasane, vice-chairman Shri Shankararao Kolhe, trustees Shri Radhakrishan Vikhe Patil and Dr. Eknath Gondkar, all other trustees, executive officer Shri Bhausaheb Wakchaure and employees of all departments in the Sansthan, showered us with lots of love. We can never forget their love and the reverential hospitality they showed us at all times.
Source : Sai Leela Magazine, November-December 2007 Edition.
