There are so many stories where we can see and feel Baba's control over each and everything, right word would be Universe/Bhrahamand . Here I am putting few stories which directly speaks about Baba's power.I am just spelled and bound to write only these few lines"What powerful and yet so humble !! A fakir who lived like a Begger but controlled the Bhrahamand."My Koti Koti Pranam to My Father Sai at HIS Feet .
Baba bestowed speech on the daughter of Shri Mani Iyer, KumbHakonam, who was dumb since birth:
The daughter of Shri Mani Iyer of Kumbhakonam, Tamil Nadu, was born dumb. All possible means to cure her dumbness proved futile. Mr. Mani Iyer took to worshipping Baba.
A few days later Baba asked him to bring his speechless daughter to Shirdi and make her place flowers on Baba’s Samadhi and pay her respects to Him. As soon as she did this, she uttered the words “Sai Baba !” fluently. The parents were naturally pleased to see the instantaneous cure of their daughter.
Baba enabled Shri Kashinath Lathi, Polan Peth, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, to speak again:
Kashinath say's in his own words the following experience he had....
"My business went into a loss in 1953, when my partner deceived me for about Rs. 5 lakhs. I became very nervous and lost the power of speech. My father tried all sorts of medicines. But since no medicine seemed to cure me, my father said, he would send me to any place, where I would like to go to cure my dumbness, and aksed me to select the place. I had been to Shirdi in 1927 on my way to Tirupati, when I was in better times. I unhesitatingly replied that I preferred Shirdi.
I went to Shirdi in 1954 and stayed there for three months. During this period, I prayed fervently to Baba. “Baba, I have suffered both financially and physically. Please make me speak !” Baba heard my prayer and granted my request.
I was able to speak fluently once again by the grace of the omnipotent Sri Sai Baba and I returned home. Everyone was astonished.
In recognition of Baba’s grace, I built a Sai Baba Mandir in Jalgaon in 1954 and am serving Him till today.
The learned wife of a doctor had been ailing from a disease which doctors were unable to diagnose and cure. The lady would lock her teeth tight and remain unconscious for hours together. As a last recourse, the doctor’s father asked him to take his wife to Shirdi. “Just take a trial”, he said. To satisfy the father, both of them went to Shirdi; but the wife would not go to Baba’s Samadhi Mandir.
So, with the help of a friend, she was dragged to the Samadhi and made to prostrate herself before the Samadhi. Baba’s udi and Samadhi abhishek water (teertha) were thrust into her mouth.
The next evening, after bowing before the Samadhi, she fell on the ground and the spirit within started speaking, “I had pounced on this lady and possessed her while she was returning from her parental house and standing under a tree. I am a female bhil ghost. The teertha and udi sprinkled over me have vanquished me. So I am leaving this body and going away for ever.” Thus ended the lady’s sickness and she returned home safe and sound.
Three months after Shri Babusaheb Sakharam Bable’s marriage, his wife used to fall unconscious, clenching her teeth. He and his family were very learned and hence did not pay heed to other people’s advice that this occurence may be due to the action of some evil spirits. They spent a large amount of money on various treatments; but in vain.
She used to remain unconscious for 18 hours daily and that increased to 23-24 hours in October, 1952. She was brought to Shirdi on 25th October, 1952. She was made to attend arati on 25th and 26th October by force. She was given udi and abhishek teertha to drink and made to prostrate before Baba’s Samadhi.
In the evening, she fell down unconscious after the arati at the Samadhi Mandir. One of Baba’s devotees, Shri Y. B. Pradhan, told them to sprinkle Baba’s teertha on her always. They did so accordingly. Later, the evil spirit in her began to talk and said that it had caught her whilst she was returning from her mother’s house to her father-in-law’s house, near a tree at the Belgaum bus stand. When asked if the spirit was prepared to leave the body, it replied that Baba was beating it often and it would leave the body for good. So saying, she collapsed.
Later, Sushiladevi woke up as usual and made pradakshina of Baba’s Samadhi. She went home happily and everyone thanked Baba.