The undying and irresistible urge to go again and again to Shirdi is nothing but grace of Baba on me I feel ,otherwise nothing could have taken place the way I had desired or wished to do during my stay in Shirdi ,but with Sai 's grace everything became possible and it was very well taken care by Baba Himself .
No words to express the feeling of love, gratitude and thanks to Baba for taking care of a person like me whose existence is nil in the crowd of so many who visit everyday His holy feet at Shirdi ,and giving such a special treatment every second and at every step it really makes me wonder am I worth of all the love Baba showers and the way he takes care!!
Not only did Baba took care of what I had wished but also of emotional feelings rising for HIM ,the moment I would think the next minute Baba was fulfilling it .....What to say of such a Love that Baba showers on His children...?
The only answer which comes to my mind is that Baba is mother of all and He is full of Love .A person looks at Baba just once in HIS life time and our Baba takes care of the person birth after birth .
Here I remember of a very interesting exchange of words I had with a ardent devotee of Baba at Shirdi while we were sharing our thoughts about Baba and HIS love for His devotee he said
..."..आज के ज़माने में जब माँ बेटे को ३ आवाज़ देती है तब भी वोह नहीं आता तो सोचो हमारे बाबा तो इतने दयालु है की वो एक आवाज़ में ही आ जाते है..
it means a mother calls his son 3 times yet he does not run to her whereas Baba is so kind and compassionate that He comes running at our one Call .Completely I agree to this....
The trip to Shirdi was memorable and unique, though each time Baba pulls a little more and does something which remains in my heart and soul forever but it was very very special and emotional visit this time for me as I could offer Baba a complete Poshak and to my surprise it was accepted by Baba,(Almighty who gives food, shelter and cloth to millions accepted a small offering of love ).I shall be posting the photo of the shawl and detail how it all happened and the complete story of offering the poshak at Babas feet.
But before that I would like to give detail of the prayer request that was sent via mail to be offered at Babas feet.
It is not strange to see how Baba gets his work done!! As soon as the mail for prayer request was sent many prayers dropped in to be kept at Babas feet. List of name and prayer detail was made and to some I corresponded back of having received the mail .The last date (Saturday )by me to receive the mail which was mentioned and circulated in mail and blog did not restrict the devotees of time limit and still many more mails came pouring in .I had mentioned I will be traveling and hence will not see any more mails but Baba was taking care of the devotee who had urgent prayers to be sent and simultaneously also making arrangements for me to access net .
I was supposed to start for Shirdi on Wednesday and reach on Thursday and from Saturday to Wednesday I was not having any facility of getting connected to net due to traveling .But Everyday some how I would get net connection and I would be noting down few more names ,I would be dead tired by the end of the day getting the last minute work completed before leaving India but something from within would make me open my mail box .The most interesting thing that I noticed is that each devotee who had sent the mail knew that they are sending the request late but each had great faith in Baba that it would reach HIM .Few mails that reached late had serious problems and their prayer request was urgent and I would just sit back and think how Baba was taking care of these mails also to be taken to HIM in spite of all the delay... confirming their faith on HIM with this. .
We all know this is just for our satisfaction ,as Baba does not need all this He is vigilant ,He is every where and He is Antaryami .Intensity of Faith which one has on HIM,Baba fulfills it in the same manner .
I had already taken the print out hence last minute prayer I added by writing .Our family reached Shirdi at 4.30 pm Thursday and we refreshed and rushed to temple to have darshan of our Sathguru and get as many things done on the auspicious day (Thursday ).All the arrangements were first done for offering the poshak as I had desired to offer it on Friday at kakad aarti so I had to give it a day in advance ,I placed the envelop with all the prayer request along with poshak so that it will be placed at Babas feet but the concerned person said "take it yourself and offer in the morning I don’t think they will do with poshak " so I took the envelope and kept in my purse and thought Baba wants it to be placed today on Thursday at HIS feet so I shall do it while I go for darshan to Samadhi temple.
We thought to proceed to Dwarakamyi with the thought to go last to Samadhi temple as we had VIP pass for Sej aarti. Hence we thought while we will go to all these places, see palki procession it shall be right time to go for sej aarti and so we started for Dwarkamayi darshan but Baba had some other plans.
Due to heavy rush and security reason sansthan has changed and restricted the route and has made one way which we were not aware at all ,as we had visited Shirdi so many times also last year during mahasamadhi we noticed there was not any change but this time lot of changes had taken place .
We started following the way as it was mentioned and when we finally stopped what we see.....!!! we are standing at the darshan door of Samadhi temple from where the queue starts .After going for a small distance we realized that it will take lot of time to reach the main hall and since we have the pass why are we going so long and would miss Dwarkamyi darshan ,chawadi darshan and also palki procession ??? But Baba had his plans which unfolded later to our knowledge.
While we walked our way to hall, evening aarti was going on and with Sai Naam jaap we proceeded for the hall, all the way it was very puzzling for me and I was thinking how we reached the hall instead of going to Dwarkamayi as this was not our first visit that we lost our way and came here.
I could feel a magnetic pull the way we were walking without our own thoughts or decision, slowly I realized that Baba wanted us to have darshan first without any pass and walk in with naam jaap and prayer list.
Watching the divine face of Baba I came near to Samadhi took out the envelop .Pujari were not allowing anyone to come near the Samadhi, if any one come many of us know they push to move without letting you bow down for a minute ,but I could go near the Samadhi placed my head at samadhi and kept the envelop at Babas samadhi ,none of the poojari pushed or shouted to move and I let the envelop be there at Babas Samadhi .Prayed to Baba to take care and keep HIS blessing hand on all of us always and moved ahead without the envelop.
The moment we came out we were next to Dwarakamayi,saw a glimpse of Palki procession and moved for our dinner .All this while the only thought of how we all were taken to Samadhi temple was going on in our mind and it was mystical as to how it happened !!!.But we realized and the plan unfolded:
If we had taken the prayer list for Sej Aarti they would not have let us even touch the Samadhi as after Sej aarti nothing is offered and no one is allowed to come near .
Had we placed the envelop with poshak(dress) there was no surity of which poojari will be on duty and will he keep it at Babas feet??
So we realized since it was Thursday and the prayer list was with me Baba wanted it to be placed on the same day and take care of all the prayer sent to HIM. What a wonder))
Dear Sai friends all those who had sent their prayer it reached on 26th Thursday at evening aarti at Babas Samadhi and I know Baba will take care of each one in own way .
And after dinner we had a very peaceful, very near to Baba( just standing next to poojari's who perform aarti )and having life long memorable Darshan of Baba at Sej Aarti .
Baba blessed abundantly and I seek always for little more ....At your feet shall I always remain my Sathguru Sai .
About the offering of Shawl(poshak) in next post .....
No words to express the feeling of love, gratitude and thanks to Baba for taking care of a person like me whose existence is nil in the crowd of so many who visit everyday His holy feet at Shirdi ,and giving such a special treatment every second and at every step it really makes me wonder am I worth of all the love Baba showers and the way he takes care!!
Not only did Baba took care of what I had wished but also of emotional feelings rising for HIM ,the moment I would think the next minute Baba was fulfilling it .....What to say of such a Love that Baba showers on His children...?
The only answer which comes to my mind is that Baba is mother of all and He is full of Love .A person looks at Baba just once in HIS life time and our Baba takes care of the person birth after birth .
Here I remember of a very interesting exchange of words I had with a ardent devotee of Baba at Shirdi while we were sharing our thoughts about Baba and HIS love for His devotee he said
..."..आज के ज़माने में जब माँ बेटे को ३ आवाज़ देती है तब भी वोह नहीं आता तो सोचो हमारे बाबा तो इतने दयालु है की वो एक आवाज़ में ही आ जाते है..
it means a mother calls his son 3 times yet he does not run to her whereas Baba is so kind and compassionate that He comes running at our one Call .Completely I agree to this....
The trip to Shirdi was memorable and unique, though each time Baba pulls a little more and does something which remains in my heart and soul forever but it was very very special and emotional visit this time for me as I could offer Baba a complete Poshak and to my surprise it was accepted by Baba,(Almighty who gives food, shelter and cloth to millions accepted a small offering of love ).I shall be posting the photo of the shawl and detail how it all happened and the complete story of offering the poshak at Babas feet.
But before that I would like to give detail of the prayer request that was sent via mail to be offered at Babas feet.
It is not strange to see how Baba gets his work done!! As soon as the mail for prayer request was sent many prayers dropped in to be kept at Babas feet. List of name and prayer detail was made and to some I corresponded back of having received the mail .The last date (Saturday )by me to receive the mail which was mentioned and circulated in mail and blog did not restrict the devotees of time limit and still many more mails came pouring in .I had mentioned I will be traveling and hence will not see any more mails but Baba was taking care of the devotee who had urgent prayers to be sent and simultaneously also making arrangements for me to access net .
I was supposed to start for Shirdi on Wednesday and reach on Thursday and from Saturday to Wednesday I was not having any facility of getting connected to net due to traveling .But Everyday some how I would get net connection and I would be noting down few more names ,I would be dead tired by the end of the day getting the last minute work completed before leaving India but something from within would make me open my mail box .The most interesting thing that I noticed is that each devotee who had sent the mail knew that they are sending the request late but each had great faith in Baba that it would reach HIM .Few mails that reached late had serious problems and their prayer request was urgent and I would just sit back and think how Baba was taking care of these mails also to be taken to HIM in spite of all the delay... confirming their faith on HIM with this. .
We all know this is just for our satisfaction ,as Baba does not need all this He is vigilant ,He is every where and He is Antaryami .Intensity of Faith which one has on HIM,Baba fulfills it in the same manner .
I had already taken the print out hence last minute prayer I added by writing .Our family reached Shirdi at 4.30 pm Thursday and we refreshed and rushed to temple to have darshan of our Sathguru and get as many things done on the auspicious day (Thursday ).All the arrangements were first done for offering the poshak as I had desired to offer it on Friday at kakad aarti so I had to give it a day in advance ,I placed the envelop with all the prayer request along with poshak so that it will be placed at Babas feet but the concerned person said "take it yourself and offer in the morning I don’t think they will do with poshak " so I took the envelope and kept in my purse and thought Baba wants it to be placed today on Thursday at HIS feet so I shall do it while I go for darshan to Samadhi temple.
We thought to proceed to Dwarakamyi with the thought to go last to Samadhi temple as we had VIP pass for Sej aarti. Hence we thought while we will go to all these places, see palki procession it shall be right time to go for sej aarti and so we started for Dwarkamayi darshan but Baba had some other plans.
Due to heavy rush and security reason sansthan has changed and restricted the route and has made one way which we were not aware at all ,as we had visited Shirdi so many times also last year during mahasamadhi we noticed there was not any change but this time lot of changes had taken place .
We started following the way as it was mentioned and when we finally stopped what we see.....!!! we are standing at the darshan door of Samadhi temple from where the queue starts .After going for a small distance we realized that it will take lot of time to reach the main hall and since we have the pass why are we going so long and would miss Dwarkamyi darshan ,chawadi darshan and also palki procession ??? But Baba had his plans which unfolded later to our knowledge.
While we walked our way to hall, evening aarti was going on and with Sai Naam jaap we proceeded for the hall, all the way it was very puzzling for me and I was thinking how we reached the hall instead of going to Dwarkamayi as this was not our first visit that we lost our way and came here.
I could feel a magnetic pull the way we were walking without our own thoughts or decision, slowly I realized that Baba wanted us to have darshan first without any pass and walk in with naam jaap and prayer list.
Watching the divine face of Baba I came near to Samadhi took out the envelop .Pujari were not allowing anyone to come near the Samadhi, if any one come many of us know they push to move without letting you bow down for a minute ,but I could go near the Samadhi placed my head at samadhi and kept the envelop at Babas samadhi ,none of the poojari pushed or shouted to move and I let the envelop be there at Babas Samadhi .Prayed to Baba to take care and keep HIS blessing hand on all of us always and moved ahead without the envelop.
The moment we came out we were next to Dwarakamayi,saw a glimpse of Palki procession and moved for our dinner .All this while the only thought of how we all were taken to Samadhi temple was going on in our mind and it was mystical as to how it happened !!!.But we realized and the plan unfolded:
If we had taken the prayer list for Sej Aarti they would not have let us even touch the Samadhi as after Sej aarti nothing is offered and no one is allowed to come near .
Had we placed the envelop with poshak(dress) there was no surity of which poojari will be on duty and will he keep it at Babas feet??
So we realized since it was Thursday and the prayer list was with me Baba wanted it to be placed on the same day and take care of all the prayer sent to HIM. What a wonder))
Dear Sai friends all those who had sent their prayer it reached on 26th Thursday at evening aarti at Babas Samadhi and I know Baba will take care of each one in own way .
And after dinner we had a very peaceful, very near to Baba( just standing next to poojari's who perform aarti )and having life long memorable Darshan of Baba at Sej Aarti .
Baba blessed abundantly and I seek always for little more ....At your feet shall I always remain my Sathguru Sai .
About the offering of Shawl(poshak) in next post .....

Sai Ram,
Great is Baba and His deeds. I was really touched to read how Baba directed you to keep prayers in His Holy Feet.
Thanks for your noble deed !!!