What great day..a mail which was not supposed to be posted is being posted on Friday with a interconnection of so many incidences...I shall call rightly Saincidences...
I was typing for Kakad Aarti when I received few message in Orkut from Sai Bhakt Usha Ji,and it was very touching to know the Leela he experienced yesterday, he asked me to place it on blog but somehow a feeling within did not allow and I did not go for immediate posting of the experience. I wrote a mail and asked Him to write complete leela in His own words rather than me writing)) so that his feeling can flow and Baba's leela be shared. It was late night when I received the mail and Attached photo of Baba ......
... my god there are no words to express my feelings. Not only the Sai Leela touched me, seeing Baba so beautiful in the photo bought tears to my eye. I thank Usha ji to share His leela and the photo, it is purely Baba's grace to unite all of us with one thread of Saism where we see HIS divine play.
After going through the mail and pondering over all that took place when this happened only one thought came in my mind " Sai Baba 's blessing are showering every where ,He plays one act and character blessed are so many ....He plays HIS leela in several places at the same time .....Mystical .isn’t it...!!!My god what interlinking of incidences and what a way ....HE Alone knows what He is doing.....we are left speechless to see, feel and admire our Emperor. Here is the whole mail along with beautiful attachment of photo of Baba in Usha ji's Mandir.Om Sai ram .
Dear Manisha ji,Sairam.
Here is my experience of Baba's leelas. I had sent my prayer request to Hetalji on June 13th to be sent to Shirdi. It was sent and I had received the mail along with Babas photo in red Poshak on June 23rd informing that the prayers were delivered to Baba. Mean while on 17th June I had sent the same prayer to Manishaji to be sent to Shirdi. I really wanted the prayers to be placed on the Samadhi. (That was the desire I had in deep in my heart.) Then Manishaji left for India and there was not much information. On 25th of June morning I got the photo sent by Hetalji printed on photo paper in a Studio. The studio guy printed one small photo as a trial print. Then a big one of 6x8 inches for framing. The same evening I got the big one framed and placed it in my room. Next day was 26th Thursday. I started my usual puja and recitation of Shri Saiamrithvani, placing the red framed picture in the centre of the altar.
Actually I was thinking to remove the picture after the puja, as there was a framed Shri Yantr in that place. But somehow I did not want to remove it and kept it there. I finished my evening puja also on Thursday the 26th.
Next day was Friday the 27th. As usual I saw my mail before Friday Puja and there was a mail from Hetalji to Sai groups on behalf of Manisha ji informing all devotee's about Baba's live darshan from Shirdi on blog in the poshak offered by Manishaji on 27th June .
The minute I had Babas darshan in green poshak I was thrilled beyond explanation. I was very happy and especially happy for two things...1.) I was sure that my prayers have reached Shirdi and the 2.)about the color green.
A few days ago I had seen a documentary on TV about a Peer in Karnataka, and his Samadhi was covered in green satin cloth. For some unknown reason, it touched me very deep. Around the same time I had read another article about a Muslim saint in another list where there was a mention of a Darga in Kisumu near Nairobi and this saint Haji Baba was staying in Dar e Salam, Tanzania. (But it never occurred to me till then that Manishaji was based in Tanzania.).
These were etched in my mind and when I saw our Emperor of the Universe in Green Satin dress with golden border, my joy knew no bounds. When I finished my puja, the Poshak was being removed and the priest was handing over the folded poshak to sevakari of the Sanathan. I just closed my eyes and stretched my open palms imagining that I myself am receiving the Poshak as Prasad from Baba.
Later on we all got the information and we all went through the bliss of reading about Manishajis experiences in Shirdi through her post in blog, about placing the prayers on Samadhi and offering of the Poshak, along with beautiful photo pictures of The Lord in Green poshak.
When she wrote about Udi Seva , I really wanted it from her as I was not having any, with me. And secondly I thought that receiving Udi from Manishaji from Shirdi is a confirmation that Baba has responded to the prayers. I mailed her my request last week and she promised to send. But since there were no mails from her from past few days, I was getting worried about Udi.
On 28th June I had the Green Poshak Picture printed and framed and kept it on top of my bed.
Today morning as usual my Thursday prayer of Reciting Shri Sai Amrithvani, I placed the photo below the altar and sat in front of it. During the puja I suddenly felt that I should apply sandal paste and kukum to the picture and I did so. Just as I had finished applying, there was beep from my computer and Bingo.. Message from Manishaji telling that Udi is on the way.... and that’s exactly the information what I was waiting for with my whole heart.
In that very moment all my doubts cleared about Babas acceptance of my prayers and I felt peaceful, so peaceful that my entire being was filled with a sense of security, hope and peace. I just looked at the photo in gratitude and I suddenly felt that Baba's white marble right hand emerged from the green dress and it was placed on my head. It happened in my mind. I dismissed it as a figment of imagination. But lo.. and behold.. the same picture again flashed in front of my eyes. I at once knew that Baba is imparting the Blessings directly. . And this is the moment I was waiting for. I feel fully blessed and my gratitude to Manishaji and Hetalji, for I feel they are the emissaries of Our Lord Sai, the channels of blessings.
The picture of framed photo I have already sent to Manishaji. Sorry for the lengthy mail, but I wanted share in detail the leela of our Sai...Jai Sairam Usha Kiran

Sai Ram,
I was in tears when I read experience of Ushaji. I am feeling blessed by my beloved Sai, who gave me this opportunity to serve His devotees in the way of sending prayers to Shirdi. I, now, strongly feel as if Sai Baba had given me direct order to start this service and even He has accepted it in a true sense.
I pray to Sai Baba that someday HE calls me to Shirdi and I can take the prayers directly and place them in His Lotus Feet myself rather than sending them through any other devotee.
At last I can only say......Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main.......Tere Charno Mein Sada Shish Jukau Main......Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram