It was in a cool Sunday morning of 1975 I was relaxing completely lost in my own world in the varanda,when a man walked off straight out of main gate. I was not surprised or taken by intrusion of the unknown man ,in fact I felt a sort of very comfortable feeling in my heart,as though I was in peace and state of happiness and a assurance "Allah bhala Karega" (The GOD will Do Good) and there after forgot about his visit.
Same year,One of my colleague requested me for my house for his stay as I was to proceed on leave,he stayed there for a month or so .
On our return we noticed ,they had left a earthen statue of someone which I felt I have seen before. And after thinking for a while it came as surprise that it was looking alike to the faqeer I saw on that day .My mind had no doubt that it was not Him .Without any reason and thought I let the statue in the place where it was...And this is how Baba made a entry in our life to change it for better as the days passed .
My father had few more experiences after this which became life changing incidences which I shall write as time permits.