I received few mails from Sai friends who questioned about the photo which I had put in this website ,so i thought to put it in the website itself explaining about the especial Photo that changed Our life ,especially the life of the Author and family members .This Photo is extremely Unique and special to each and everyone in our family .This is the photo which changed our life.I shall give a detail about its impact in my life.....
I am in my parents place this vacation and my daily Sai Satcharitra Parayan is going in the same temple where this sacred and age old Photo of Shirdi Sai Baba is kept in the center of the Mandir .While doing my Parayan when I look up at this photo with love and devotion it reminds me of my first day with the Guru.This is not what happens with me one time but every time I look at HIM. Whenever I come to my parents place and sit in Pooja room looking at Baba or when I sit to pray I am reminded of my First day with Baba.
When I inquired my mother how old is this photo ? She mentioned it is nearly more than 40 years old. It was presented by her very good friend .When this Photo blessed our home my parents were not knowing anything about Shirdi Sai Baba.it was just one or two incidents that took place which made them aware of Baba of being like any other great modern day Saint. They did not know the rituals, prayer or any kind of Aarti or books reading .It was with due respect that this Photo was kept in the temple.
When this Photo arrived at our home I must have been 3 or 4 years old. On the day when this Photo arrived after morning pooja my mother with deep reverence placed it in the center of the temple. On my return from my play school when I entered the room where our temple was placed ,I very well remember instead of going anywhere I instantly went to the temple and stood in front it and instantly looked at the new photo, as though it was pulling my attention towards it.
Many readers will feel that it is nothing so special thing looking at picture standing infront of the temple but only I know what I felt!!
I was mesmerized with the big size of the photo in comparisons with the size of rest of the God.Slowly the Photo started working on me .I was spell bound and deeply attracted by the looks of Baba.The very first feeling that came to me was of a loving grandfather looking at her grand-daughter.He face looked so serene, pure and friendly.He appeared simple and compassionate but His eyes were shinning and taking all my attention .Baba in white dress with white beard and focused eye on me looked so magical that I can never forget not can express clearly …Baba looking at me was very intense yet so full of love....

And slowly slowly Baba's Eye concentrated my whole attention strongly on Him.With my eyes locked to His eye, I was not able to see anything other than the Loving deep penetrating look of the Guru's EYE directly into my eyes.
I was not seeing any other pratima or photo of any other God in the temple which was placed closely with HIM .It was HIM and HIM alone whom I could see .I do not remember how long I would have been in that state of eye contact with Baba but all I remember very clearly that it was very beautiful moment,a moment that was filled with lots of love and mystical exchange of eye contact between Me And My Guru .It felt like I was drenched with complete love and grace of Baba through HIS mere eye contact .It was so very strong and deep that I can still feel everything of that day- TODAY.Baba's look was extremely mystical ,magnetic filled with love which I can not forget anytime.
I was standing and looking at Baba forgetful of time and place and was no way aware of playing or going anywhere.
It was than when my mother called me I left the room .My first question to Mom was” Who Is That In the center of the temple”? She said “Shirdi Sai Baba “.And my next statement was instantly “Please do not take it out from there I love HIM a lot “.And my mom laughed at my innocence of the fear that I had in my mind.
It was that day and it is Today that feeling,those moments,that exchange of love, grace, WHAT Baba passed through HIS eye contact to me is still felt with same Vibration in the whole system .Even today when I look at HIM I see HIM and HIM alone in the temple like I saw HIM THAT day.
One might think it as a normal thing but I felt as though something changed inside of me.I felt as though someone is always by my side and taking care.A assurance of being under protected hands always ,nothing mattered ,nothing worried me.Anything that happened, it felt it happened for some reason .Whether I was happy or Sad everything was in control and it did not effect me to the point that I looked up looking lost .I think this is all because of Baba's grace.
All I can say that through this Photo Baba had taken All of Us under His care. Our life had changed and it was not Photo But Sakshat Baba who came in our Home and in Our life .As we know until Baba wishes No one can come closer to HIM or Know HIM . I feel we are the fortunate one whom Baba chose to know HIM and had allowed us to come into HIS fold by coming in our life in the FORM of THIS PHOTO. Bringing us at His feet and accepting our devotion.This also reminds me of few incidence from Sai Satcharitra where BABA has clearly indicated and tried to explain IMPORTANCE OF HIS PHYSICAL BEING EQUAL TO HIS BEING IN A PHOTO.
This is how we came in the wonderful WORLD of SAI and is experiencing HIS PRESENCE ALL THE TIME WITH US.THIS IS HOW I FEEL BABA BLESSED ME.Not even a day goes without feeling His presence and being taken care by His gracious love.
The importance of this PHOTO of Baba is too vast to be written in one go .There has been lot of incidences in our life where Baba has answered through this photo and guided us in our ups and down and even now in every day life. He is with us every single second and guiding our family . I shall put it one by one.Jai Sai Ram .
साईनाथगुरु माझे आई । मजला ठाव घावा पायीं ।।
O Guru Lord Sainath, you are my mother, please give me refuge at thy holy feet.
