We do not know how baba plans or how he intends to help someone ,after some time when things starts to fall in place than we realise the worth of any action or incident that took place in past .Than we feel the greatness of the Guru .Mystical shall always be Babas way beyond our reasoning ...this is what I always feel . Mar 21, 2007 This incident had taken place last year in my mothers place when I had come for summer vacation.
At my mothers place two month back a new maid joined us SHANTI .She was very needy ,poor( from a good family ) and did not had any food past 3 days along with her 3 children ,her husband is a alcoholic and had ruined his once prospering family with his drinking habit .She came looking for a Job.
The day she came to our house it was Thursday.
A week back my mom on Thursday suddenly with a thought asked her to take one of the Babas calendar to her home ,as my mom felt she will be blessed by baba and would get strength to overcome her sufferings and also asked her to take some other eatables which she had kept for her when she would be leaving for her home in the evening.
When she was leaving for her home she took all the eatables kept for her and left babas calendar behind. Later when my mom found Calendar where it was placed as it is in its place she felt how unfortunate she is that she forgot baba to take along with her and also felt angry on her behavior.
Never mind! next day when she came and when my mom questioned her she couldn’t say anything thinking my mom might get angry she said that she forget and that she will take it on coming Thursday .Mom with her simplicity felt that it will be Navratri and its good that Baba wishes to go with her during that time. Days passed and Navratri came.
It was 21st when she was washing clothes she felt a blow of air gushing through the bathroom door,inside she was washing clothes and when she looked up to see ..oh my God what she saw "Baba in his Mighty Physical form –tall about 6 feet" ,looking at her with anger ,she went blank and was shivering and was nervous .She couldn’t even look up directly at Baba and kept calling all the names of family deity god –goddess which she could remember .
But baba did not move an inch he was standing steady and looking at her for 10 minutes ,than Baba said
“Until you don’t take my name I am not going to go”. She even tried to shout and call me Didi –Didi... but she could not hear her own voice . Finally she folded her hands and said to Baba “please give me one chance I will take your name please forgive me “ And the minute she uttered this she saw that baba left .
She came out and nervously said to me-" didi I felt that there is ghost or some shadow in this house and when I looked up I saw Sai baba- he looked exactly like you have in pooja room .I was scared and shivering, calling your name but he did not leave me and the place until I asked forgiveness , only he left".
Immediately I asked her Shanti did you say anything to baba when mom was giving you calendar last week since you had not taken it ? Or any negative thought you had?
She denied and I asked her 3 more times differently but her answer was same. But in spite of her this answer I said you have nothing to scare or worry ,you are very blessed that baba is calling you at his feet and he is showering his grace by showing you himself in His physical form- you are very blessed . She was changed and she came to mom and said to mom that-" I will take babas calendar tomorrow on Thursday".
Thursday morning 22nd when she came she immediately told us what happened last night in her dream. Again baba had come to her, this time she could only see his face (not the whole body) -more composed and lovingly looking at her .She saw that baba is applying udi to her daughter who was holding babas pooja dish and who bowed down at babas feet and Shanti stood folding her hand to baba ,baba just said these words “God will do her good” and blessed her and left.
She felt peace, happiness, her body felt light and increase in her devotion for Baba after this dream. Her heart was full of bhakti .
I will not forget to mention that later when today mom was giving her UDI ,Locket and Calender in the mandir she confessed that she had deliberately not taken the calendar and that she thought that she would never pray to him she does not know him ,neither she knows whether he is Hindu or Moslem (and she said she uttered harsh words for baba )or she would not take his photo ,she infact said it loudly in her own mind that why I should? ,infact I will not come to work also and leave it who knows he may kill me ???
I leave it here as it is for the reader to think and imagine the love of baba and his mystical ways……