Shri Soman had expressed his desire to the Managing Committee of the Sansthan to offer the three Gates, existing towards the North, South and at the place where the coconuts were broken previously. After discussion on the request in the meeting, the Board of Management granted its approval. Accordingly Shri Soman has offered the Main Gate (12.6 feet x 6.5 feet) costing approximately Rs. 625000/-, Chariot Gate (10.9 feet x 7.3 feet) costing approximately Rs 475000/- and Exit Gate (Coconut Gate) (7.9 feet x 5 feet) costing approximately Rs. 300,000/-.
The fabricate Burma teak wood was used to make these Gates. These three Gates were fitted to the Mandir during the period from 12th November 2007 to 15th November 2007. The chairman of the Sansthan M.L.A. Shri Jayant Sasane, the vice-chairman Shri Shankarrao Kolhe, the trusted M.L.A. Shri Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, all other trustees, the then executive officer Shri Bhausaheb Wakchaure and the present excecutive officer Shri Kishore more expressed the thanks to Shri M.R. Soman for the generous donation of the three Gates.
